Here's what's making news THIS WEEKEND AT ST. MARY:
- Season's color change to Purple/Violet
- Very Important notice from our Senior Warden: it's okay to wear uncomfortable shoes this Sunday, but start polishing hiking boots for next week? An exciting and noble parish project beckons next Sunday.
- Look out for the new ADVENT Worship bulletin this Sunday and running through Christmas. Be not afraid, all will be well.
- AVAILABLE NOW: our parish's 2016 Churchman's Ordo Kalendar. . Few copies remain. Get your copies NOW. Cost - $3. Makes for a great Christmas present.
- Invite your friends and buddies to church this Sunday and every Sunday.
- We meet in the Sacristy.
- We are studying the Book of the Acts of the Apostles
- No experience necessary.
- Bring your Bible and your friends
- Spanish Edition: We meet on Tuesday from about 7 pm either in the Chapel at St. Mary or in a parishioner's home. Please, call Fr. Juan (213-434-0476) for more details.
3. UPCOMING SERIES ON FAITH FORMATION: Sundays from 11:30 to 12 pm
Kathleen Norris's "Embracing A Life of Meaning". A five-session Study.
Session 3 (November 29): Community Matters: In community, individualism and imperfection meet grace and acceptance. What is our part in the Body of Christ?
Session 4 (December 6): Place Matters: In what ways is faith set within the physical space of home, church, land, and people?
Session 5 (December 13): We Matter: What does it mean to remain in God's image and to counter our selfishness by embracing the world and its needs.
- Thanks for for your faithfulness and generous pledge towards the ministries of this parish in year 2016
- All PLEDGE CARDS are due Sunday, December 13, Third Sunday of ADVENT. This will help the Budget Committee finish its work before Christmas.
- Early returns are always welcomed.
- Diocesan Convention of the Diocese of Los Angeles, Friday, December 4 and Saturday, December 5 at the Ontario Convention Center. Pray for God's blessings on Convention Delegates and on our Bishops Jon, Diane and Mary.
- First Communion Classes: Registration for both English and Spanish congregations are still open. Please, contact Fr. Juan Barragan at or at the Parish Office
- Look out for the CHRISTMAS SCHEDULE in next week's edition of the UPDATE
- for making the mission and ministries of our parish possible.
- for helping us raise the needed money to install the new ceiling fans.
- Benefactors: You can also make DONATIONS (Paypal) at our website or include our parish in your WILL.
- full recovery post-surgery, for Mr. Kenneth Spurling, father of Megan Marsh. Pray for Megan, Michael and Annabelle and the Spurling family at this time. Thank you.
- all who are currently discerning vocations to ministries in the church especially the Sacred Order of Priesthood, Youth Ministry and, Eremitic Monasticism
- continued healing for Gerda, Anthony Joseph, Patrice Gonzales, Nora, Ben, Sr. Rosina. Delia, Jeff, Roberta, Mary Jane.
- all who are battling any form of cancer and all involved in research work to find lasting cure for cancer and Alzheimers
- Natasha, Vincent, Larry Jr, Jeffrey, Simone, Obed, Audrey, Michelle, Yasmine, Jason, Annabelle, Biko Lisustha, Amani Lisustha
- the Diocese of Los Angeles, please click on
- the Episcopal Church, please, click on
- the Expo Line construction, please, click on
- the Palms Neighborhood Council, click on
Fr. Vincent
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