Saturday, May 26, 2012

Parish Update: May 27

Beloved of God and of this parish:

For news about the Diocese of Los Angeles and Bishop Bruno's health, please go

For news about Palms, please go to; check out the new murals going up on utility boxes in Palms; click on "Get involved" and volunteer for the June 2 "Palms Bike Rodeo"; check out the updates on the Expo Line project.


1. Training: Preventing Sexual Misconduct:
If you are planning on attending this event tomorrow, Saturday, May 26, we will start at 9:30 amso we can finish about 11:30 am. Our facilitator will be Ms. Anilin Colado, Missioner, Human Resource, Diocese of Los Angeles. We will be viewing three short videos and discuss these informative videos. Certificates will be issued on completion of the class.

2. Sunday, May 27: 
(a) Day of Pentecost: 
Thanks to all parishioners who have indicated they would be interested in reading the Gospel text in non-English languages:  Dutch, German, Portuguese, Italian, Latin, Greek, Ga, French, Akan.

(b) Monthly Parish Forum: 
Following Mass beginning at 11:30 am. Hear reports on the work of the Vestry and a special report by the Senior Warden. Please, plan on attending. We need to hear your input and voice.

(c) Vespers for Healing for Bishop Jon Bruno at the Cathedral Center of St. Paul, 840 Echo Park, Los Angeles, at 4 pm. Everyone is welcome to join the Diocesan family in praying for our bishop at this time. Please, click the following link for the most recent update on Bishop Bruno

(a) Simone's Graduation: 
Friday, June 1. Watch out for more details on Sunday and congratulate Simone on this very important transition, she has worked really hard on this and we should really be PROUD of her.

(b) Trinity Sunday - June 3

(c) Feast of Corpus Christi - June 7

(d) Training and Planning Meeting for Parish Homilists - Saturday, June 9 and 16. We will begin right after Mass.

(e) Classes in Anglo-Catholicism - Sunday, June 10 after the 10 am Mass led by Sean Smith. We will explore the beginnings of the Anglo-Catholic movement [in the Anglican Church]. This is the church tradition which influences our way of life here at St. Mary. What does it mean to be an Anglo-Catholic? Come, find out. This is a very good time to bring your questions and your friends to church.

(f) Now Enrolling: Our first class in Computer Literacy. Look out for more information in the Worship Bulletin on Sunday.

(g) Mark Kennedy on vacation: Sunday, June 3 and June 10. Carolyn Davies will be our organist on these Sundays. 

See you at Mass.

God richly bless your life, your vocation, your work, your friends and your family.

Fr. Vincent

 "Let me get through today, and I shall not fear tomorrow." Philip Neri (1515-1595)

Friday, May 18, 2012

Parish Update: May 20

UPDATE ON BISHOP BRUNO From the Bishop's Office:
Dear Friends,
I am well on the road to recovery. After four bone marrow biopsies, I await the fifth to get final verification of the effectiveness of my chemotherapy treatments. The doctors say the healing is moving forward at a miraculous pace, and I know that the outpouring of prayer and love is making all the difference.  
I am enjoying the Caring Bridge web page as well as the cards and well wishes extended to me and my family. I want you to know that I read each and every one, and they provide me strength and comfort.  
I will have another bone marrow test next week to confirm my progress. Every day I feel stronger in body and spirit. Mary and I send our love to all.

Yours in Christ,
+ J. Jon Bruno


This Sunday, May 20 following the 10 am Mass. Meeting begins at 11:30 am in the Rector's Office.

Sunday, May 20 is Diocesan Sunday; please, look for special bulletin insert in your Worship bulletin this Sunday.

3. SUNDAY, MAY 27 - two events:
(a) Feast of Pentecost: In keeping with well-established traditions of this parish, we will read the gospel in as many non-English languages as possible including Dutch, German, Italian, Akan, Igbo, French, Ga and et al. Please, invite a friend to Mass.

(b) Vespers for Healing for Bishop Jon Bruno. Event is scheduled for 4 pm today at the Cathedral Center of St. Paul and St. Athanasius,840 Echo Park Ave. Los Angeles. Look for flyer in your Worship Bulletin on Sunday, and plan on joining with our brothers and sisters in the Diocese to pray for Bishop Bruno, his family and the Diocesan leadership at this time.

4. For news from the Palms Neighborhood Council, please go to and look out for more information on the Bike Rodeo.

To all who joined us last night in celebrating with Grace Lutheran Church, Culver City, the Feast of Ascension. We were richly blessed and our bonds of friendship strengthened.

6. LIKE US on Facebook
Yes, our parish has a Facebook account. If you have a Facebook account, "Like us" - the Parish of St. Mary in Palms. It will be our joy to share conversation and the transforming power of God's Holy Spirit with you and your friends.

If your Sunday schedule permits it, we'd love to welcome and share with you our ministries here at St. Mary: daily Mass at 9am [holidays included]; AIDS Lunch project [first Wednesday of every month - 9am to 1:30pm]; Hispanice/Latino Ministry; hospital visitation; Bible Study, Praying the rosary on Friday; ministries to St. Augustine Volunteer Emergency Service, [SAVES], Villa Rey Assisted Living and Palm Court Retirement Living, Culver City.

See you at Mass.

Fr. Vincent