Beloved of God and of this parish:
The Vestry will meet in regular session on Sunday, January 20 following the 10 am Mass. Vestry members please endeavor to attend and bring copies of your reports. Thanks.
- The BBC "A History of Christianity" series will continue Saturday, January 26 at 6:30 pm. Soup and salad will be served. Let us learn about our faith and its history. Bring your friends. Stop by.
- In keeping with time-honored traditions of the church, our nativity scene will remain until February 2, the feast of the Presentation of Our Lord Jesus in the Temple akathe Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary aka Candlemas.
- Fr. Connor Lynn has moved back to Los Angeles. Fr. Lynn's new address is 1902 Park Ave., Los Angeles. CA 90026. Telephone number is 213-529-4477.
- Here is a list of the many 12-step groups who use our facilities on a regular basis and share our ministries:
- Try God AA group: meets on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from about 7 pm
- Under-earners Anonymous: meets on Wednesday at 1 pm
- Over-eaters Anonymous: meets on Saturday at 5 pm.
- Parliament of World Religions
- Astrology Club: meets on mid-afternoon on first and last Thursday of every month.
- We are in the process of completing arrangement for another group to meet on Saturdays from 1 to 4 pm
- Join us for Evensong EVERY Tuesday and Thursday at 7 pm to REFRESH our spiritual lives. We meet in the Chapel of Consolation. We are usually done by 7:30 pm. Please, bring a friend.
- Misa (Mass in Spanish) every Sunday at 1 pm. I commend this ministry led by Fr. Federico to your prayers and support.
- Ash Wednesday: Just around the corner - Wednesday, February 13. There will be three services: 8 am; Mid-day and 7 pm. There will also be the Imposition of Ashes on Culver Avenue by the Trader Joes at Mid-day.
- Pledge Cards: If you have not picked up your Pledge Cards or Pledge Envelopes, please remember to do this on Sunday. Our talents, treasure and time makes the ministries of this parish possible. Thanks for sharing your spiritual and temporal gifts with us.
- Bible Study on the Book of Nehemiah. We will be using the study guide authored by Don Fields in the LifeGuide Bible Series. Questions? Talk to Fr. Vincent or Kevin.
- Confirmation classes begin on Sunday, February 3 following the 10 am Mass. Candidates will be confirmed on Sunday, September 8 during the celebration of our Patronal Feast and Canonical Visitation on behalf of Bishop J. Jon Bruno. To register, please see Fr. Vincent or call Phyllis in the office ASAP.
- Our annual Parish General Meeting and election of new Vestry.
- Continued healing for Bianca Mussenden, Julia Bergstrom, Rev. Canon Cyprian Fields, Anthony Jo, Kay and Tom Burleigh
- Safety in travelling for Bea and Gayle
- Blessings on Karen Orren, all our benefactors and all who make the ministries of this parish possible.
- All who are discerning vocations to various ministries in the Church at this time
- Our Palms community that it would be safe for all residents
- For Fr. Federico visiting with family in Mexico this week and next week.
- For the repose of the soul of Eunice Igodan, sister of our brother Robby Igodan. Eunice is an older sister, she died over a week ago. Please, keep Robby, his Mom and the Igodan family in your prayers at this time.
- For news from or about the Diocese of Los Angeles go to to
- For news about or from Palms, please go to
- For news about the EXPO Line extension, please go to
See you at Mass.
Fr. Vincent