Beloved of God,
Alleluia! Christ is risen!!!
Here is what is making news in our parish:
1. THIS WEEKEND AT ST. MARY: Sunday, May 25 [Memorial Day weekend]
- The Sixth Sunday of Easter
- Pray especially for all Veterans and all who sacrifice quality time with their loved ones in order to secure our freedoms and way of life. Pray for the Veterans Administration and all having to cope with PTSD
- All classes begin at 11:30 am
- May 25: Class on Anglo-Catholicism
- Help prepare the Palms Community for any emergency. Join the Palms Emergency Preparedness Coalition [PePC]. New members welcome to the Coalition. Talk to Fr. Vincent after Mass or send him an email.
- Registration is open to all who would like to be trained by the Department of Mental Health (DMH) as Certified Community Mental Health First-Aiders.
- The DMH will provide all training free of charge.
- Eight hours of training required for certification.
- Training dates are Saturday, July 12 and July 26 from 9:30 am to 1:30 pm.
- All training will be held at St. Mary in Palms.
- Space is very limited. REGISTER NOW. Please, talk to Fr. Vincent.
- Thursday, May 29: Ascension Day Joint-Eucharistic service with Grace Lutheran Church, Culver City. Service will be here at 7pm. Please, plan on attending to strengthen our relationship with our brothers and sisters at Grace Lutheran. Let us join together to witness to our one Lord, one baptism, our common call to mission. Come, make new friends.
- June 1, 8, 22, 29: Church and Music
- July: on vacation.
- August: visits to holy sites in Los Angeles.
- Thursday, May 29: Ascension Day Joint-Eucharistic service with Grace Lutheran Church, Culver City.
- Day of Pentecost: We will read the passage John 20:19-23 in as many non-English languages as possible. So far, we have German, Spanish, Ga, Akan. Please, talk to Rebecca in the Parish Office or Fr. Vincent if you would like to participate in this project.
- June 15: Trinity Sunday & Father's Day & VESTRY Meeting
- June 19: The Feast of Corpus Christi. Mass will be at 7 pm with a procession. Join us in celebrating this feast.
- Saturday, September 27: Third annual Faris Drive Neighborhood Block party from 10 am to 3 pm. Volunteer workers needed. Please, talk to Fr. Vincent if you can help with planning.
- Healing for Bianca, Kucti Devi, Joana, Gerda, Anthony Jo, Betty Moreno, Fr. Anderson. Phyllis Thomas,
- all efforts to locate Malaysia Flight MH 370. For the families as they wait for more reliable news about the fate of their relatives on that flight.
- the safe release of the 200+ schoolgirls abducted by Boko Haram in Nigeria.
- a peaceful resolution of the crisis in Ukraine
- Kathleen Engmann and Charlie
- Our youth: Larry Jr, Simone, Jeffrey, Natasha, Yasmine, Obed, Audrey and Michelle.
- Members of our parish family graduating this month: Natasha and Tamara
- the Diocese of Los Angeles, please click on
- the Expo Line construction, please, click on
- the Palms Neighborhood Council, click on
See you at Mass. Bring a friend and your family to church.
Fr. Vincent.