Friday, January 4, 2013

Parish UPDATE: January 6

Beloved of God and of this parish:

  • to all who helped raise funds to put a new carpet in and install new closets in the Children's room for the use of the Children's service. Work is now complete. Your Vestry is very grateful for your generosity and patience.
  • to all who helped clean the kitchen after our recent clogging challenges. It turns out the clogging was caused by the use of unapproved materials in the ground floor bathroom (by the sacristy). After two plumbing fixes, both kitchen sink and and the "culprit" toilet are working fine. Please, do NOT USE "unapproved " materials in the toilet. We have received a small gift of $1000 to help begin work on refurbishing the kitchen. We will require more than this amount for all the work that needs to be done but if you have some expertise in kitchen re-modelling and how best to use the $1000, please share this with Fr. Vincent. Thanks.
  • to all who supported the History of Christianity series in the last month. We still have a few more series to go. If you have not yet attended any of the series, please check it out and learn about the faith we share in common. The next in the series will be on Saturday, January 12 at 6:30 pm in St. Joseph Hall.
  • to all who sponsored our youth trip to the Space Shuttle exhibit at the California Science Center on Monday, Dec. 31.
  • to Anthony Yarzue for helping Fr. Connor Lynn move back to Los Angeles. Fr. Lynn's new address is 1902 Park Ave., Los Angeles. CA 90026. Telephone as of Monday, January 7 will be 213-529-4477. 
  • Join us for Evensong EVERY Tuesday and Thursday at 7 pm to REFRESH our spiritual lives. We meet in the Chapel of Consolation. We are usually done by 7:30 pm. Please, bring a friend.
  • The BBC "A History of Christianity" series will continue Saturday, January 12 at 6:30 pm. Soup and salad will be served. Let us learn about our faith and its history. Bring your friends. Stop by. 
  • Continued healing for Bianca Mussenden, Julia Bergstrom, Rev. Canon Cyprian Fields, Kay Burleigh and Tom
  • Safety in travelling for Bea and Gayle 
  • Blessings on Karen Orren, all our benefactors and all who make the ministries of this parish possible.
  • All who are discerning vocations to various ministries in the Church at this time 
  • Our Palms community that it would be safe for all residents
  • For the leadership of our nation as they work to find solutions to our nation's financial challenges.
  • a parish work team to fix up the room adjoining the Children's service room as Multi-purpose room. We will need volunteers to work on Saturday, January 12 for about an hour to get this work done. Talk to Fr. Vincent if you can help.
  • Bible Study on the Book of Nehemiah. We will be using the study guide authored by Don Fields in the LifeGuide Bible Series.
  • Confirmation classes begins on Saturday, February 2. Candidates will be confirmed onSunday, September 8 during the celebration of our Patronal Feast and Canonical Visitation on behalf of Bishop J. Jon Bruno. To register, please see Fr. Vincent or call Phyllis in the office ASAP.
  • Our annual Parish General Meeting and election of new Vestry. More details about this next week.
See you at Mass.

Fr. Vincent