'A taste of Cursillo' to be offered
on Saturday, July 20
A mini-Cursillo, led by the Rev. Lyn Crow and a team from Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Fullerton, will be held at St. Mary's Episcopal Church in Palms, Los Angeles, on Saturday, July 20, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. The event is free of charge and includes lunch.
To register, contact the Rev. Vincent Shamo at 310.558.4124 or stmaryinpalms@yahoo.com by 8 p.m. on Thursday, July 18. Space is limited. Cursillo is a program designed to deepen participants' faith and passion for Christ's mission in the world. More information about Cursillo is here.
St. Mary's Church is located at 3647 Watseka Avenue, Palms (Los Angeles).