Friday, May 30, 2014

Parish UPDATE: June 1

Beloved of God, 

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Here is what is making news in our parish:

1THIS WEEKEND  AT ST. MARY: Sunday, June 1
  • Seventh Sunday of Easter 
  • All classes begin at 11:30 am
  • June 1, 8, 22, 29:  Church and Music

  • Help prepare the Palms Community for any emergency. Join the Palms Emergency Preparedness Coalition [PePC].  New members welcome to the Coalition.  Our next meeting is Tuesday, June 10 here at st. Mary at 7pm. Talk to Fr. Vincent after Mass or send him an email.    
  • Registration is open to all who would like to be trained by the Department of Mental Health (DMH) as Certified Community Mental Health First-Aiders. 
  • The DMH will provide all training free of charge
  • Eight hours of training required for certification. 
  • Training dates are Saturday, July 12 and July 26 from 9:30 am to 1:30 pm.
  • All training will be held at St. Mary in Palms. 
  • Space is very limited. REGISTER NOWPlease, talk to Fr. Vincent.
  • July: on vacation.
  • August: visits to holy sites in Los Angeles.
6.  UPCOMING EVENTS: Mark your calendars:  
  • Day of Pentecost: We will read the passage John 20:19-23 in as many non-English languages as possible. So far, we have German, Spanish, Ga, Akan. Please, talk to Rebecca in the Parish Office or Fr. Vincent if you would like to participate in this project.
  • June 15: Trinity Sunday & Father's Day & VESTRY Meeting
  • June 19: The Feast of Corpus Christi. Mass will be at 7 pm with a procession. Join us in celebrating this feast.
  • Saturday, September 27: Third annual Faris Drive Neighborhood Block party from 10 am to 3 pm. Volunteer workers needed. Please, talk to Fr. Vincent if you can help with planning.
  • Healing for Bianca, Kucti Devi, Joana, Gerda, Anthony Jo, Betty Moreno, Fr. Anderson. Phyllis Thomas, 
  • all efforts to locate Malaysia Flight MH 370. For the families as they wait for more reliable news about the fate of their relatives on that flight.
  • the safe release of the 200+ schoolgirls abducted by Boko Haram in Nigeria. 
  • a peaceful resolution of the crisis in Ukraine
  • Kathleen Engmann and Charlie
  • Our youth: Larry Jr, Simone, Jeffrey, Natasha, Yasmine, Obed, Audrey and Michelle.
  • Members of our parish family graduating this month: Natasha and Tamara
8For news about:

See you at Mass. Bring a friend and your family to church.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Joint Ascension Day with Grace Lutheran Church, CC


Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

An invitation:

Please, join us at St. Mary in Palms, 3647 Watseka Ave., L.A, this Thursday, May 29 at 7 pm as we:
  1. celebrate the Solemnity of the Feast of Ascension - a very important feast day in the life of the Church and of our christian family
  2. celebrate at the same event, our annual Joint-Eucharistic service with Grace Lutheran Church, Culver City.  Jesus prayed that "they may be one:, let us make this prayer happen. Let us not only pray for the unity of the church, let us work and show in deed and word that we are interested in church unity.
A special offering will be taken to support the work of St. Augustine Volunteer Emergency Service [S.A.V.E.S] - our local food bank.

I look forward to seeing you on Thursday, May 29 at 7 pm at St. Mary.

Fr. Vincent

Full Text: Common Declaration: Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew

Full text: Common Declaration of Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I

1. Like our venerable predecessors Pope Paul VI and Ecumenical Patriarch Athenagoras who met here in Jerusalem fifty years ago, we too, Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, were determined to meet in the Holy Land “where our common Redeemer, Christ our Lord, lived, taught, died, rose again, and ascended into Heaven, whence he sent the Holy Spirit on the infant Church” (Common communiqué of Pope Paul VI and Patriarch Athenagoras, published after their meeting of 6 January 1964). Our meeting, another encounter of the Bishops of the Churches of Rome and Constantinople founded respectively by the two Brothers the Apostles Peter and Andrew, is a source of profound spiritual joy for us. It presents a providential occasion to reflect on the depth and the authenticity of our existing bonds, themselves the fruit of a grace-filled journey on which the Lord has guided us since that blessed day of fifty years ago.

2. Our fraternal encounter today is a new and necessary step on the journey towards the unity to which only the Holy Spirit can lead us, that of communion in legitimate diversity. We call to mind with profound gratitude the steps that the Lord has already enabled us to undertake. The embrace exchanged between Pope Paul VI and Patriarch Athenagoras here in Jerusalem, after many centuries of silence, paved the way for a momentous gesture, the removal from the memory and from the midst of the Church of the acts of mutual excommunication in 1054. This was followed by an exchange of visits between the respective Sees of Rome and Constantinople, by regular correspondence and, later, by the decision announced by Pope John Paul II and Patriarch Dimitrios, of blessed memory both, to initiate a theological dialogue of truth between Catholics and Orthodox. Over these years, God, the source of all peace and love, has taught us to regard one another as members of the same Christian family, under one Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, and to love one another, so that we may confess our faith in the same Gospel of Christ, as received by the Apostles and expressed and transmitted to us by the Ecumenical Councils and the Church Fathers. While fully aware of not having reached the goal of full communion, today we confirm our commitment to continue walking together towards the unity for which Christ our Lord prayed to the Father so “that all may be one” (Jn 17:21).

3. Well aware that unity is manifested in love of God and love of neighbour, we look forward in eager anticipation to the day in which we will finally partake together in the Eucharistic banquet. As Christians, we are called to prepare to receive this gift of Eucharistic communion, according to the teaching of Saint Irenaeus of Lyon (Against Heresies, IV,18,5, PG 7,1028), through the confession of the one faith, persevering prayer, inner conversion, renewal of life and fraternal dialogue. By achieving this hoped for goal, we will manifest to the world the love of God by which we are recognized as true disciples of Jesus Christ (cf. Jn 13:35).

4. To this end, the theological dialogue undertaken by the Joint International Commission offers a fundamental contribution to the search for full communion among Catholics and Orthodox. Throughout the subsequent times of Popes John Paul II and Benedict the XVI, and Patriarch Dimitrios, the progress of our theological encounters has been substantial. Today we express heartfelt appreciation for the achievements to date, as well as for the current endeavours. This is no mere theoretical exercise, but an exercise in truth and love that demands an ever deeper knowledge of each other’s traditions in order to understand them and to learn from them. Thus we affirm once again that the theological dialogue does not seek a theological lowest common denominator on which to reach a compromise, but is rather about deepening one’s grasp of the whole truth that Christ has given to his Church, a truth that we never cease to understand better as we follow the Holy Spirit’s promptings. Hence, we affirm together that our faithfulness to the Lord demands fraternal encounter and true dialogue. Such a common pursuit does not lead us away from the truth; rather, through an exchange of gifts, through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, it will lead us into all truth (cf. Jn 16:13).

5. Yet even as we make this journey towards full communion we already have the duty to offer common witness to the love of God for all people by working together in the service of humanity, especially in defending the dignity of the human person at every stage of life and the sanctity of family based on marriage, in promoting peace and the common good, and in responding to the suffering that continues to afflict our world. We acknowledge that hunger, poverty, illiteracy, the inequitable distribution of resources must constantly be addressed. It is our duty to seek to build together a just and humane society in which no-one feels excluded or emarginated.

6. It is our profound conviction that the future of the human family depends also on how we safeguard – both prudently and compassionately, with justice and fairness – the gift of creation that our Creator has entrusted to us. Therefore, we acknowledge in repentance the wrongful mistreatment of our planet, which is tantamount to sin before the eyes of God. We reaffirm our responsibility and obligation to foster a sense of humility and moderation so that all may feel the need to respect creation and to safeguard it with care. Together, we pledge our commitment to raising awareness about the stewardship of creation; we appeal to all people of goodwill to consider ways of living less wastefully and more frugally, manifesting less greed and more generosity for the protection of God’s world and the benefit of His people.

7. There is likewise an urgent need for effective and committed cooperation of Christians in order to safeguard everywhere the right to express publicly one’s faith and to be treated fairly when promoting that which Christianity continues to offer to contemporary society and culture. In this regard, we invite all Christians to promote an authentic dialogue with Judaism, Islam and other religious traditions. Indifference and mutual ignorance can only lead to mistrust and unfortunately even conflict.

8. From this holy city of Jerusalem, we express our shared profound concern for the situation of Christians in the Middle East and for their right to remain full citizens of their homelands. In trust we turn to the almighty and merciful God in a prayer for peace in the Holy Land and in the Middle East in general. We especially pray for the Churches in Egypt, Syria, and Iraq, which have suffered most grievously due to recent events. We encourage all parties regardless of their religious convictions to continue to work for reconciliation and for the just recognition of peoples’ rights. We are persuaded that it is not arms, but dialogue, pardon and reconciliation that are the only possible means to achieve peace.

9. In an historical context marked by violence, indifference and egoism, many men and women today feel that they have lost their bearings. It is precisely through our common witness to the good news of the Gospel that we may be able to help the people of our time to rediscover the way that leads to truth, justice and peace. United in our intentions, and recalling the example, fifty years ago here in Jerusalem, of Pope Paul VI and Patriarch Athenagoras, we call upon all Christians, together with believers of every religious tradition and all people of good will, to recognize the urgency of the hour that compels us to seek the reconciliation and unity of the human family, while fully respecting legitimate differences, for the good of all humanity and of future generations.

10. In undertaking this shared pilgrimage to the site where our one same Lord Jesus Christ was crucified, buried and rose again, we humbly commend to the intercession of the Most Holy and Ever Virgin Mary our future steps on the path towards the fullness of unity, entrusting to God’s infinite love the entire human family. “ May the Lord let his face shine upon you, and be gracious to you! The Lord look upon you kindly and give you peace!” (Num 6:25-26).         

Jerusalem, 25 May 2014

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Ascension Day Joint Eucharist


A friendly reminder and invitation:

Please, join us at St. Mary in Palms, 3647 Watseka Ave., L.A, this Thursday, May 29 at 7 pm as we:
  1. celebrate the Solemnity of the Feast of Ascension - a very important feast day in the life of the Church and of our christian family;
  2. celebrate at the same event, our annual Joint-Eucharistic service with Grace Lutheran Church, Culver City.  Jesus prayed that "they may be one:, let us make this prayer happen. Let us not only pray for the unity of the church, let us work and show in deed and word that we are interested in church unity.
A special offering will be taken to support the work of St. Augustine Volunteer Emergency Service [S.A.V.E.S] - our local food bank.

I look forward to seeing you on Thursday, May 29 at 7 pm at St. Mary.

Fr. Vincent

Friday, May 23, 2014

Parish UPDATE: May 25

Beloved of God, 

Alleluia! Christ is risen!!!

Here is what is making news in our parish:

1THIS WEEKEND  AT ST. MARY: Sunday, May 25 [Memorial Day weekend]
  • The Sixth Sunday of Easter
  • All classes begin at 11:30 am
  • May 25: Class on Anglo-Catholicism
  • Help prepare the Palms Community for any emergency. Join the Palms Emergency Preparedness Coalition [PePC].  New members welcome to the Coalition. Talk to Fr. Vincent after Mass or send him an email.    
  • Registration is open to all who would like to be trained by the Department of Mental Health (DMH) as Certified Community Mental Health First-Aiders. 
  • The DMH will provide all training free of charge
  • Eight hours of training required for certification. 
  • Training dates are Saturday, July 12 and July 26 from 9:30 am to 1:30 pm.
  • All training will be held at St. Mary in Palms. 
  • Space is very limited. REGISTER NOWPlease, talk to Fr. Vincent.
  • Thursday, May 29Ascension Day Joint-Eucharistic service with Grace Lutheran Church, Culver City. Service will be here at 7pm. Please, plan on attending to strengthen our relationship with our brothers and sisters at Grace Lutheran. Let us join together to witness to our one Lord, one baptism, our common call to mission. Come, make new friends.
  • June 1, 8, 22, 29:  Church and Music
  • July: on vacation.
  • August: visits to holy sites in Los Angeles.
7.  UPCOMING EVENTS: Mark your calendars:  
  • Thursday, May 29Ascension Day Joint-Eucharistic service with Grace Lutheran Church, Culver City. 
  • Day of Pentecost: We will read the passage John 20:19-23 in as many non-English languages as possible. So far, we have German, Spanish, Ga, Akan. Please, talk to Rebecca in the Parish Office or Fr. Vincent if you would like to participate in this project.
  • June 15: Trinity Sunday & Father's Day & VESTRY Meeting
  • June 19: The Feast of Corpus Christi. Mass will be at 7 pm with a procession. Join us in celebrating this feast.
  • Saturday, September 27: Third annual Faris Drive Neighborhood Block party from 10 am to 3 pm. Volunteer workers needed. Please, talk to Fr. Vincent if you can help with planning.
  • Healing for Bianca, Kucti Devi, Joana, Gerda, Anthony Jo, Betty Moreno, Fr. Anderson. Phyllis Thomas, 
  • all efforts to locate Malaysia Flight MH 370. For the families as they wait for more reliable news about the fate of their relatives on that flight.
  • the safe release of the 200+ schoolgirls abducted by Boko Haram in Nigeria. 
  • a peaceful resolution of the crisis in Ukraine
  • Kathleen Engmann and Charlie
  • Our youth: Larry Jr, Simone, Jeffrey, Natasha, Yasmine, Obed, Audrey and Michelle.
  • Members of our parish family graduating this month: Natasha and Tamara
9For news about:
See you at Mass. Bring a friend and your family to church.

Fr. Vincent. 

Friday, May 16, 2014

Parish UPDATE: May 18

Beloved of God, 

Alleluia! Christ is risen!!!

Here is what is making news in our parish:

1THIS WEEKEND  AT ST. MARY: Sunday, May 18
  • The Fifth Sunday of Easter
  • Diocesan Sunday
  • VESTRY MEETING beginning at 11:30 am in the Conference Room (St. Cecilia room)
  • All classes begin at 11:30 am
  • May 25: Last in the series on Anglo-Catholicism
  • The Coalition - Palms Emergency Preparedness Coalition [PePC] got the $15,000 we requested for fiscal year 2 ending June 30 and our Work plan for year 2 was approved. 
    • New members welcome to the Coalition. Talk to Fr. Vincent after Mass or send him an email.    
  •  Registration is open for all who would like to be trained by the Department of Mental Health (DMH) as Certified Community Mental Health First-Aiders. 
  • The DMH will provide all training free of charge. 
  • Eight hours of training required for certification. 
  • Training dates are Saturday, July 12 and July 26 from 9:30 am to 1:30 pm.
  • All training will be held at St. Mary in Palms. 
  • Space is very limited. 
  • Please, talk to Fr. Vincent, Coordinator of this project now if you are interested
  • May 25:  Anglo-Catholicism
  • June 1, 8, 22, 29:  Church and Music
  • July: on vacation.
  • August: visits to holy sites in Los Angeles.
6.  UPCOMING EVENTS: Mark your calendars:  
  • Sunday, May 18: Election Day to elect a new Board Council for the Palms Neighborhood Council. 
    • Venue: IMAN Cultural Center. 
    • Time: 9 am - 3 pm
  • Sunday, May 19: FREE Palms Tenant Rights Clinic, IMAN Cultural Center, 3376 Motor Ave. 
  • Thursday, May 29: Ascension Day Joint-Eucharistic service with Grace Lutheran Church, Culver City. Service will be here at 7pm. Please, plan on attending to strengthen our relationship with our brothers and sisters at Grace Lutheran.
  • Saturday, September 27: Third annual Faris Drive Neighborhood Block party from 10 am to 3 pm. Volunteer workers needed. Please, talk to Fr. Vincent if you can help with planning.
  • Healing for Bianca, Joana, Gerda, Anthony Jo, Betty Moreno, Fr. Anderson. Phyllis Thomas
  • all efforts to locate Malaysia Flight MH 370. For the families as they wait for more reliable news about the fate of their relatives on that flight.
  • the safe release of the 200+ schoolgirls abducted by Boko Haram in Nigeria. 
  • a peaceful resolution of the crisis in Ukraine
  • all who have been displaced by the fires in San Diego County
  • Kathleen Engmann and Charlie
  • Our youth: Larry Jr, Simone, Jeffrey, Natasha, Yasmine, Obed, Audrey and Michelle.
  • Members of our parish family graduating this month: Natasha and Tamara
8For news about:

See you at Mass. Bring a friend and your family to church.

Fr. Vincent

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Pastoral Letter from Bishop J. Jon Bruno, Bishop Diocesan

To the People and Congregations of the Diocese of Los Angeles:
This new Easter season unites us in responding to the ways in which God is calling us into new, resurrected life in Christ. We enter this Eastertide as a united diocesan community, joined together in daily ministry and shared service in our neighborhoods. This unity has been strengthened through the years by coming together around challenging issues and seeking common ground for understanding as we are led by the Holy Spirit.

Vitality continues to emerge from the firm stands the Diocese of Los Angeles has taken in respecting the dignity of every human being - the calling of our Baptismal Covenant. It is wonderful again to live within the full Christian promise of Easter.

After a May 7, 2014, appearance in Orange County Superior Court brought final resolution to the litigation, the Episcopal Church, of St. James the Great, Newport Beach, will continue in ministry free of the challenge of appeal by parties who left the parish in August 2004. This action follows the California Supreme Court's January 2009 decision affirming that all Episcopal Church parish properties are held in trust for the present and future ministry of the local diocese and wider denomination.

In steadfastly supporting this position, the Diocese of Los Angeles has secured assets given by generations of Episcopalians and assisted in establishing favorable precedent for the future, and particularly for other dioceses to prevail in similar cases.
Invested in this position is more than $8 million in costs incurred on behalf of the Diocese of Los Angeles and the Episcopal Church by the Bishop as Corporation Sole. This expenditure resulted in retaining multimillion-dollar properties in Newport Beach, La Crescenta, Long Beach and North Hollywood, and in establishing important legal precedent. While the congregations of St. James the Great, Newport Beach, and St. Luke's of the Mountains, La Crescenta, continue in ministry within the Episcopal Church, congregations will not be restarted as All Saints, Long Beach, or St. David's, North Hollywood. The Corporation Sole currently holds title to the church property in Long Beach - a city where there are three neighboring Episcopal Church congregations - and a negotiated settlement allows the present congregation to worship on site while remunerating the Diocese for use of those facilities. Meanwhile, the Oakwood School has purchased the North Hollywood property, a fitting use in the mission of local secondary education.

As we move forward I ask your prayers that understanding will continue to grow among us as we experience resurrection anew in Christ. In that Easter spirit, we are called to look forward and, as leaders of local congregations, to strengthen the work that our parishes and missions are called to do. We can also share in current diocesan initiatives, including the Seeds of Hope nutrition and wellness program, the Hands in Healing outreach to youth and young adults, and Horizons & Heritage, the upcoming observance of the Episcopal Church's 150th year in Southern California.

It is important that we remain in community, not in isolation, and that in charity we create space for people whose views may differ from our own. We are not here to judge one another but rather to be in joy with each other in the name of Jesus. As resurrection people, we are looking forward to doing those things that would reflect the will of Jesus Christ, working to include people of all views and positions, making the Diocese of Los Angeles a beacon of inclusive, loving, joyful action in Christ Jesus.

So I call each of you to renew your local ministries and to share in the ministries of the Diocese. The door to the future is open. We will participate in our diocesan community by continuing to develop Hands in Healing and taking seriously reconciliation. Through Seeds of Hope we will keep nurturing new ministries in this Diocese for food security and care of our environment through curriculum in our primary, secondary and Sunday schools. We will continue to dwell in the new life and abundance of our diocesan community. 

Within the Episcopal Church, we go through careful processes to examine what is best for the whole community. In General Convention, we come to places of corporate decision, and whether we agree or disagree, we move forward in joy. We do the same in our Diocese, where there will be no declarations of "I told you so" or "we won" regarding important deliberations. Here I think of times when General Convention meetings have observed times of silence and prayer before the announcement of significant votes taken, and it has been through such prayer that God has guided us from positions of separation to being made whole.

I call you to pray for one another and for the unity of the entire Episcopal Church.

Almighty God, whose blessed Son before his passion prayed for his disciples that they might be one, as you and he are one: Grant that your Church, being bound together in love and obedience to you, may be united in one body by the one Spirit, that the world may believe in him whom you have sent, your Son Jesus Christ our Lord; who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.
                              -The Book of Common Prayer, Collect for the Unity of the Church

Together in Christ,
+ J. Jon Bruno
Sixth Bishop of Los Angeles