Friday, December 7, 2012

Parish UPDATE: December 9

Beloved of God and of this parish:

Of your charity, please pray for the Bishops, Clergy and Lay Delegates as they assemble at the National Orange Show, San Bernadino tomorrow, Saturday, December 8 for Diocesan Convention. Pray for God's blessings on all deliberations at Convention and for a safe return home for all delegates.

A: Sunday, December 9 - Second Sunday in Advent. Pledge Cards will be collected during the 10 am Mass and 1 pm Misa. Thanks for your pledge. The ministries of this parish are powered by God and our collective talents, time and treasure. Your parish needs your help.
B. Saturday, December 15 - Special Vestry planning meeting following the 9 am Mass. All Vestry members please, take note and plan on attending.
  • The second in the six-part BBC series on "A History of Christianity". Screening begins at 6:30 pm. Soup and bread will be served. Come learn about our faith and strengthen yours too. Friends and family members welcomed. 
C: Sunday, December 16 - Third Sunday in Advent, also known as Gaudete Sunday. We will have a special service celebrating our ministries and gifts as a parish. Please, remember to bring someone to the celebration. 
  • This Sunday is a very special day in the Hispanic community. Please, join us for the Posada celebration of the Hispanic community at 3 pm. Misa for this Sunday, will also celebrate Our Lady of Guadalupe during the 1 pm Misa.  
D. Saturday, December 22 - This is a parish WORK DAY. Our day will begin with Mass at 9 am and will be followed by an hour of work to decorate the church and its surroundings in readiness for the Christmas. We will be decorating our parish/community Christmas tree in front of the church, please bring favorite [light to hang] ornaments for the tree.
E. Sunday, December 23 - The Fourth Sunday in Advent. We will have our Community Christmas sing-along [villancicos] with hot apple cider in front of the church, near the Christmas tree from 3 pm to 5 pm. Join in the festive mood, come sing carols with us.

  • Join us for Evensong EVERY Tuesday and Thursday at 7 pm to REFRESH our spiritual lives. Please, bring a friend.
  • The parish Calendars - very good Christmas gifts - are still available for only $3. Please, get your copies while they last and help promote the work of this parish.
  • Advent is a time of spiritual house cleaning in readiness for the advent of our Lord Jesus Christmas. Please remember that Jesus Christ is the reason for the season and prepare accordingly to celebrate Christmas with a joyful spirit.
  • Julian Bergstrom's father-in-law Robert who is dying. Pray for God's strength and comforting presence for the family at this very difficult time.
  • Continuing healing for Bianca Mussenden, Kay Burleigh, Betty Moreno and Anna Durkin.
  • Safety in travelling for Bea and Gayle and all who will be travelling for the Christmas holy days.
  • Our benefactors and all who make the ministries of this parish possible.
  • All who are discerning vocations to various ministries in the Church at this time especially all being prepared for baptism at Christmas.
  • All church musicians and preachers as they prepare for Christmas
  • Our Palms community that it would be safe for living in, raising families and business.
  • All for whom this Christmas season would be challenging because they cannot find work or have recently lost loved ones
  • All who will be returning to the church at Christmas or rediscovering newer depths in their relationship with God.
See you at Mass on Sunday.

Fr. Vincent