Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year wishes

Beloved of God and of this parish:

As the year 2010 draws to a close, I would like to take this opportunity to THANK each and everyone of you, for your faithfulness, generous giving, commitment and dedication [among others] to :  
  • [the cause of] the God whose incarnation [and epiphany] we celebrate at this time,
  • the mission and ministries of this parish. Your generosity and hardwork makes our common life and shared witness possible,
  • our collective striving towards the rebuilding of God's reign so all shall enjoy the grace of justice, dignity, transformation, healing, spiritual growth and wholeness,
  • our desire to keep the fire of faith burning and transforming the lives of our youth and children as they face the challenges of this and their generation.
As a faith community and as individuals, let us begin another year [2011] in hope and renewed zeal to grow in loving service to God. As you dream your biggest dream for yourself and your family, please remember to dream one more dream for God so together we can help birth and sing a new community into being. 

Have a blessed and fruitful New Year. See you all at Mass.

Fr. Vincent Shamo

Tuesday, December 21, 2010



1. Christmas Eve, Friday, December 24: Carol singing begins at7:30pm. Mass begins at 8pm.

2. Christmas Day, Saturday, December 25: Mass at 10am

3. First Sunday after Christmas , December 26: Mass at 10am; followed by potluck brunch. Bring some food to share.

4. Christmas week: Morning Prayer at 8:45; Mass at 9am

5. Friday, December 31: Morning Prayer at 8:45am; Mass at 9am
New Year's Eve: No Mass BUT Church will be open from 9pm to 12amfor private prayer and meditation

6. Saturday, New Year's Day: Mass of the Holy Name at 9am.


Thursday, December 16, 2010

Announcing New Programs at St. Mary

Here are some new programs currently running at St. Mary:

1. Bible Study on Wednesday from 7 - 8pm in the Chapel. Class is completing work on the Book of Nehemiah.  Now reading Chapter 12.  Class open to all who are interested in learning more about God's redeeming and unconditional love for humanity. Join us if you can.

2. Want to know more about your faith and how to live the christian life. Join us at our new Discipleship and Newcomers class after the 9am Mass on Saturday.

3. Presently considering offering the following additional programs based on interest:

  • Martial Arts for teens on weekdays after school ending before 5pm
  • Hispanic/Latino Mass on Saturday at 5pm
  • Community Meal and Conversation featuring a Speaker on issues of current interest. 
The Parish of St. Mary in Palms is beyond denominationalism.

Have questions? Call Fr. Shamo at 310-558-4124 or post a comment on this blog. 

Parish Update: 12/19

Beloved of God and of this parish:

Here is an UPDATE of what is making news in our parish this week and will be making news in the coming weeks.

This is the last Vestry meeting of the year. Vestrymembers are encouraged to attend MASS that day and stay for the meeting.
  • It is time to renew our COMMITMENT to God, our family and our non-parish community. It would be helpful if we have all pledge/commitment cards by the First Sunday of Christmas so  we can complete the budget process by year's end. If you have not already received your pledge/commitment card, please talk with Phyllis after Mass on Sunday or arrange to have your card sent to you in the course of next week. Please, remember to pick your box of pledge envelopes after Mass on Sunday. Our pledges and commitments make the ministries of this parish and mission to partner with God in the rebuilding of lives and his world possible. God generously gives us his Son to be our redeemer, let us give generously to support his reign and his work in our lifetime. We are grateful for your commitment to this cause to the glory of God. 
  • Decorating for Christmas: If you can help with decorating the church in readiness for Christmas, show up during the week between Tuesday and Thursday. Thanks for any help you can give.
  • During coffee-hour, we will celebrate the 82nd birthday of Gerda Morinaka. Please, surprise and congratulate her if you can.
  • MASS on Christmas Eve, Friday, December 24 will be at 8pm
  • MASS on Christmas Day, Saturday, December 25 will be at 10am
  • MASS on First Sunday after Christmas Day will be at 10am to be followed with our signature potluck brunch. Please, bring whatever you can by way of main dish, desserts, gifts for the children of the parish and a joyful spirit. 
  • NEW YEAR'S EVE: Friday, December 31. Church will be opened from 10pm to Midnight for private prayer and meditation. The sacrifice of the Mass will not be offered during this period.
  • NEW YEAR'S DAY: Saturday, January 1. MASS of the HOLY NAME will be offered at 9am
Please, plan on attending as many of the above events as you can and bring your friends to join in the celebrations. NO CELEBRATION IS COMPLETE AND JOYOUS WITHOUT OUR FRIENDS.

  • Sunday, January 2: Second Sunday after Christmas Day
  • Sunday, January 9: First Sunday after the Epiphany (Baptism of OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST). The youth of the parish will lead the Offertory and Presentation of the Gifts with the traditional gifts presented by the wisemen (wise-persons). It is time to support our children in their spiritual formation as we each present out life as gifts to God.
  • Sunday, January 16: First Vestry meeting of 2011 and time to hear our audit reports in preparation for the annual Parish General Meeting. 
  • Sunday, January 23: Our ANNUAL PARISH GENERAL MEETING. The first in the potluck-brunch series. We need someone to coordinate this event - setting up, designing meeting hall with appropriate signage, food and to encourage active parish-wide participation. It will look good on your resume as Events Organizer or Coordinator. If you can help, please, call Phyllis in the parish office ASAP.
  • Sunday, January 30: Our first PARISH FORUM for 2011. We will have conversations around the book:"Living a Eucharistic Spirituality" by Oscar Lukefahr, C.M. If you have not already bought your copy, buy your copy now for ONLY$2. See Phyllis or Fr. Shamo. 
In spite of global and economic challenges that faced us and many in 2010, all of us have remained faithful disciples of Jesus Christ, generously supported the ministries of this parish and the reign of God. Our individual and collective prayers, our presence at Mass and parish events, our faithfulness have transformed many lives; your parish leadership team and me personally are grateful for your witness. Let us strive even much more harder in this discipleship project in the coming year.

See you at Mass with your life-enhancing stories, your anxieties and a willing attitude to permit God to transform these to his honor and glory. TO GOD BE ALL THE GLORY, ALWAYS!!

Fr. Shamo 

Friday, September 10, 2010

Parish Update: Sept. 12

Please, plan on joining our parish this Sunday, as we celebrate the 25th anniversary of Fr. Vincent Shamo's ordination to the priesthood. Any anniversary is worth celebrating, especially an Ordination Silver Jubilee. Festive food will be potluck so it can truly be our parish's event. Please, bring your family, friends and favorite dish. 
We anticipate a fair amount of guests to this event; please welcome everyone as Christ. 

We welcome especially, Bishop Ed Mackenzie, former Bishop of Johannesburg, South Africa;  Rev. Canon Connor Lynn, Rector Emeritus; Rev. Canon Cyprian Fields; Rev. Brian McHugh; Jay Launt (former Senior Warden); Canon Randy Kimmler, L. A. Diocese Missioner for Vocations.

Pray for your priest, his family, his ministry among us and indeed for all bishops, priests, deacons and all who are discerning vocations to various ministries in God's kingdom.


Morning Prayer will be prayed [each Sunday] at 9:45am to be immediately followed with Mass. Plan on arriving early to join in this worship service or join in quietly if you arrive after 9:45am and Morning Prayer is being prayed. The church encourages everyone to pray daily at least Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer. As a parish, we endorse  and affirm the importance of this spiritual discipline.


Mid-week Bible Study has moved FROM Wednesday Noon TO Wednesday 7pm. We meet in the Chapel. We are presently exploring the Book of Nehemiah [In the Old Testament]. The preferred bible translation is the New Revised Standard Version [NRSV]. If you do not have this translation, please, come with what you have.
Required: A willingness to explore God's word with others. Notebooks and pens would be provided to participants. NO EXAMS AND PAPERS TO WRITE. You can support this project by: donating refreshment, attending the sessions with your friends and by spreading the word.

Always grateful for your ministry within our parish and your commitments to christian discipleship and  to the mission of God's reign in our community and generation. The Christian life is not lived in isolation!!

Work is progressing steadily on improving our "grounds". For now, one portion of the lawn has been put on an automatic sprinkler; we will work on the other portions as funds become available. Eventually, we hope to have more 
color around the church. If you are able to contribute towards this project, please, make your check to "St. Mary" and put in the memo column "grounds project". 


Rosaries for the Sick: Beginning Sunday, September 19, the Peace and Justice Commission [of this parish] will begin classes on making rosaries and prayer beads to be given to parents of children who are hospitalized and those receiving chemotherapy. Please join us on the patio after Mass as we begin this exciting ministry.


Fr. Vincent Shamo

Friday, August 27, 2010

Parish Update: August 29

Beloved of God and of this parish:

Let me take this opportunity to thank [again] all who provided food, music and worked hard to make our patronal feast a success. May the Blessed Virgin Mary, mother of God and all the saints of God intercede for us so we may obtain the needed graces to grow in faith and in our baptismal vows.

2. THIS SUNDAY, August 29:
(a) Serving:
Joanna Cory [EM1]; Joe Gaynor [EM2]; Peter Braganca [Thurifer]; Elliott Ryder [Lector]; Bea Boggess [Prayer of the Faithful]; Angela and Simone [Oblation bearers]; Simone Bookman [Usher]; The Joseph Family [Post-Mass refreshments].

(b)  Parish Forum:
Our  parish forum this Sunday will focus on: outreach to Hispanic community; parish finances and related issues; Peace and Justice Commission survey;  parish awards;  annual rummage sale; Ordination Silver Jubilee Mass on Sunday, Sept, 12,  plus much exciting news to share. Our Vestry will entertain what questions you may have. Please, endeavor to come to Mass and stay for the Forum. It is our parish, let us show a sense of ownership. Our parish is part of God's reign, let us support its ministries and the mission of the church.

Work is progressing steadily on improving our "grounds". For now, one portion of the lawn will be put on an automatic sprinkler until we have enough money to work on the other portions. Eventually, we hope to have more color around the church. If you are able to contribute towards this project, please, make your check to St. Mary and put in the memo column "grounds project".

Please, intercede for the following: Birthdays: Phyllis Thomas [August 30]; Chelsea (Daley) Adams [Sept. 1]; Mark Kennedy [Sept. 2]. Recovering from recent unwellness: John Dadzie, Anthony and Jai; Brenda and Tony. Illness: Gene Boggess, Mrs. Philip Chand, Kay Burleigh.

1. Beginning Sunday, Sept. 5, Morning Prayer will be prayed [each Sunday] in the church beginning at 9:45am to be immediately followed by Mass. All of us need time to "quieten down" and be "centered" before Mass. Please, prayerfully join in and spend some time preparing yourself for Mass.

2. Bible Study will be moving FROM Wednesday Noon to 1pm TO Wednesday 7pm beginning September 8. We will meet in the Chapel. We will begin exploring the Book of Nehemiah [In the Old Testament]. The preferred bible translation is the New Revised Standard Version [NRSV]. If you do not have this translation, please, come with what you have.

Required: A willingness to explore God's word with others. Notebooks and pens would be provided to participants. NO EXAMS AND PAPERS TO WRITE. You can support this project by: donating refreshment, attending the sessions with your friends and by spreading the word.

Always grateful for your ministry within our parish and your commitments to christian discipleship and  to the mission of God's reign in our community and generation. The Christian life is not lived in isolation!!

See you at God's banquet table with all that we are.

Fr. Shamo

Friday, August 13, 2010



A warm welcome and invitation to you to join us this Sunday, as we celebrate the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary - our parish's patronal feast. We will re-join the universal church at 10am in worshipping God, celebrating the work and presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives and community and be strengthened by the sacraments of the church to engage in mission and ministry. WELCOME to the FEAST.

EMs: Peter Marinkovich [1], Kozetta Garnett [2]; Thurifer: Anthony Yarzue; Lector: Larry Osakwe Sr; Prayers of the Faithful: Debra Mckinney; Usher: Obed; Coffee: Festive potluck brunch.

By popular request, the Jacob Daley's band [same band that played at our patronal feast in 2009] will be playing again during the brunch. Bring your appetite, good humor and dancing shoes!

The Vestry will announce the 2010 recipients of the Theotokos and Magnificat Awards during the brunch. Thanks to all for your nominations; we had an extraordinary list to consider. Build up for yourself treasure in heaven.


(a) To Stephanie Walker and Michael who got married on Saturday, August 7 in Texas. Stephanie received your kind and generous gift [cards and money] last Tuesday, before she left for Texas. She was really touched by the kind gesture and asked me to express her thanks to all of you.

(b) To Anthony Joseph for completing the front signage project on time before the patronal feast.

(c) To all recipients of the 2010 edition of The Theotokos and The Magnificat Awards. Recipients will be announced on Sunday.

Anthony Joseph, Jai Joseph [recovering]; Donald Zucca and Joanna Cory [discerning vocations]; All parishioners of St. Mary [as we prepare to celebrate our patronal feast].


Please, consider signing up to be trained as an Usher for this parish. Training will be offered after Mass on Sunday, August 22. Please, call the office to sign up or just stay in the church after Mass. There is NO exam and NO papers to write. The key word to remember about being an Usher is: HOSPITALITY! HOSPITALITY!! HOSPITALITY!!! translated into easy-speak, "welcome and treat everyone as Christ". The ministry of an Usher/Doorkeeper is well documented in the Bible as far as the Old Testament. Hey, you will get a nice pin to wear upon completion of this training program. "I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness" [Psalm 84:10]

2. PARISH FORUM ON SUNDAY, AUGUST 29 after Mass. More details in next week's UPDATE..


Morning Prayer will be prayed at 9:45am to be immediately followed with Mass. This will be a regular feature on all Sundays. Plan on arriving early to join in this worship service or join in quietly if you arrive after 9:45am and Morning Prayer is being prayed. The church encourages everyone to pray daily at least Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer. We endorse this spiritual discipline.

Please, plan on joining our parish on this Sunday, as we celebrate the 25th anniversary of Fr. Vincent Shamo's ordination to the priesthood. Any anniversary is worth celebrating, especially an Ordination Silver Jubilee. Festive food will be potluck so it can truly be our parish's event.

Pray for your priest, his family, his ministry among us and indeed for all bishops, priests, deacons and all who are discerning vocations to various ministries in God's kingdom.


Fr. Shamo

Friday, August 6, 2010


Here is an UPDATE of what made news in the past week or will be making news in the coming weeks:

YES, the "garden/parish work day party is STILL ON for Saturday, August 7. YES, you are still invited to the party. We will begin with Morning Prayer at 8:45am and Mass at 9am. As our new parish sign reminds us, "Ora et labora" translated "Prayer and work/service". Following Mass, we will all grab our donuts, muffins, coffee and tea and head straight into "work/service" tidying up our Meditation Garden, cleaning around the church premises and getting it all ready for our Patronal Festival. There will be work/service opportunities for everyone. Let us "pray and work" so we can better build God's reign and our parish community.


(a) Serving:
EMs: Sandra Dyson [1], Peter Braganca [2]; Thurifer: Simone; Lector: Sam Hitz; Prayers of the Faithful: Angela; Obation-bearers: Malicia & Sara Sue; Usher: Dr. Neboh; Coffee: Volunteer.

The Vestry will meet in regular session following Mass in the VICAR'S OFFICE. We will start at 11:15am.

(c) Why/What is a Patronal Feast?
Many have asked these questions over the last few weeks. We will address these questions at Mass in hopes that it would prepare us for the festival.

The carpets in the working sacristy - from the top of the stairs leading into the attic all the way to the landing - will be put in on Monday beginning around 10am. We are deeply grateful to our "re-carpetting project" team for their hard-work in pooling resources together for this project. May God richly replenish the resources you spent on this project. You are indeed building up treasures for yourself in heaven and in God's kingdom.


EMs: Peter Marinkovich [1], Kozetta Garnett [2]; Thurifer: Anthony Yarzue; Lector: Larry Osakwe Sr; Prayers of the Faithful: Debra Mckinney; Usher: Obed; Coffee: Festive potluck brunch.

By popular request, the Jacob Daley's band [same band that played at our patronal feast in 2009] will be playing again during the brunch. Bring your appetite, good humor and dancing shoes!

The Vestry will announce the 2010 recipients of the Theotokos and Magnificat Awards during the brunch. Thanks to all for your nominations; we had an extraordinary list to consider. Build up for yourself treasure in heaven.

To Stephanie Walker and Michael as they married on Saturday, August 7 in Texas. Stephanie received your kind and generous gift [cards and money] last Tuesday, before she left for Texas. She was really touched by the kind gesture and asked me to express her thanks to all of you.


6. Sunday, September 5
Morning Prayer will be prayed at 9:45am to be immediately followed with Mass. This will be a regular feature on all Sundays. Plan on arriving early to join in this worship service or join in quietly if you arrive after 9:45am and Morning Prayer is being prayed. The church encourages everyone to pray daily at least Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer. We endorse this spiritual discipline.

Please, plan on joining our parish on this Sunday, as we celebrate the 25th anniversary of Fr. Vincent Shamo's ordination to the priesthood. Any anniversary is worth celebrating, especially an Ordination Silver Jubilee. Festive food will be potluck so it can truly be our parish's event.

Pray for your priest, his family, his ministry among us and indeed for all bishops, priests, deacons and all who are discerning vocations to various ministries in God's kingdom.


"Ora et Labora"

Thursday, May 20, 2010

PARISH UPDATE ending May 23


Thanks to all who welcomed the Diocese's two new bishops suffragan on May 15 at the Long Beach Arena. The Episcopal News website []offers coverage; for on-demand video, please follow these links:

Part 1 The Pre-Liturgy is here.
Part 2 The Consecration is here.
Part 3 The Eucharist is here.
Entire video event is here.
Service leaflet (PDF) is here.
Macintosh-compatible versions


If you are planning on reading the Gospel in a non-English language, the passage is from John 20:19-23. To date, the following have indicated readiness to read: Donald - German or Italian; Gerda - Dutch or German; Hyacinth - French; Florence - Ga. We need readers in Spanish, Igbo, Ga, Fante, Latin, Hindi, etc. Please, call the parish office if you are still interested in this project.

See you at Mass this Sunday.


Episcopal News by EN staff
Photographs and memories of retiring Bishop Suffragan Chester Talton and Bishop Assistant Sergio Carranza are being sought for display at their May 29 retirement reception and as lasting mementos for the two bishops to keep.

"We would like to make as many opportunities as possible for people from throughout the diocese to communicate their congratulations to retiring Bishop Talton and Bishop Carranza," said Serena Beeks, who is coordinating the effort. "We are soliciting “postcards” to display – a photograph (5” x 7” or smaller) of your church or one of the bishops visiting you or anything that will serve as a reminder of your wonderful relationships with two terrific people!"

Well-wishers are also invited to write a message greeting, poem or prayer on a separate piece of paper (also 5" x 7" or smaller). Beeks requests that they not write on the backs of the photos.

"Please write separately to the two bishops so that they may take the messages home," said Beeks. "We will happily receive pictures and notes from congregations, groups and/or individuals."

Photographs and notes may be mailed to: Serena Beeks, Cathedral Center of St. Paul, P.O. Box 512164, Los Angeles, CA 90051. (Please do not email materials.)

The open house reception for the two bishops will be held on Saturday, May 29, 12 noon to 3 p.m., at the Cathedral Center of St. Paul, 840 Echo Park Avenue, Los Angeles. The diocesan community is invited: children are welcome. Entertainment and light refreshments will be provided for all ages.

Reservations (for planning purposes) may be made to Lilline Dugan at, at 213.482.2040, ext. 241, or at the Cathedral Center address (P.O. Box 512164, Los Angeles, CA 90051

Friday, May 14, 2010

Parish Update ending May 16

Serving THIS Sunday: May 16

Eucharistic Ministers: [1] Kozetta Garnett [2] Peter Marinkovich

Thurifer: Jacob Daley

Lector: Joe Gaynor

Prayers of the Faithful: Sam Hitz

Oblation bearers: Jai & Belinda

Usher: Robby Igodan

Coffee: Volunteer needed [please, call Phyllis at 310-558-4124 if you can help]
A friendly REMINDER:

Tomorrow, Saturday, May 15 is the Ordination and Consecraton [service] of Rev. Canon Diane Jardin Bruce and Rev. Canon Mary Douglas Glasspool at the Long Beach Arena. For those who are planning on attending, here is some information you might find helpful:

Bishops Suffragan Ordination and Consecration

All are invited; no tickets are needed for admission.

Date & Time: Saturday, May 15, 2010

Doors open at 12 noon

12:30 p.m. Celebration Gathering – featuring music and dance highlighting the cultural diversity of our diocesan community

1:30 p.m. Liturgy for the Ordination and Consecration of Bishops Suffragan

Clergy and other participants are asked to arrive by 12:30 p.m.

Location: Long Beach Arena – located in the Long Beach Convention Center Complex, 300 Ocean Blvd., Long Beach, California (90802). Seating capacity for the liturgy will be at least 6,700.

The Arena building is covered by one of the world’s largest murals, “Planet Ocean,” a fabulous array of marine life by environmental artist Wyland. The Arena is the large round blue building often mistaken for the aquarium.

Travel Directions: Long Beach Convention Center, site of the Long Beach Arena, is easily accessible via the Metro Blue Line. More about the Blue Line is here. The Blue Line links with the Red Line (San Fernando/Valley/Hollywood/Downtown) and the Green Line (L.A. Airport/Westside/Norwalk/Lakewood). Various groups and individuals are planning to take the Metro on May 15.

Parking: Ample parking is available at the Long Beach Arena/Convention Center; rate is $10 per car. Special parking areas are reserved for drivers and passengers with disabilities, and for buses. (Please note that buses will be charged for parking according to the number of regular parking spaces the bus occupies: each space is $10.)


The Vestry will meet in regular session this Sunday, May 16 beginning at 11:15am. All Vestry members should endeavor to attend Mass so we can start the meeting on time.

If you are planning on reading the Gospel in a non-English language, the passage is from John 20:19-23. To date, the following have indicated readiness to read: Donald - German or Italian; Gerda - Dutch or German; Hyacinth - French; Florence - Ga. We need readers in Spanish, Igbo, Ga, Fante, Latin, Hindi, etc. Please, call the parish office if you are still interested in this project.

See you at Mass this Sunday.

Fr. Shamo

Friday, May 7, 2010

Parish UPDATE: May 7

May 9, 2010:
On this Sixth Sunday in Eastertide, we also give thanks for the motherly and nurturing figures and persons in our life, especially MOTHER CHURCH who nourishes and nurtures us from cradle to the grave and beyond.

Serving this Sunday: MAY 9 [MOTHER'S DAY]

Eucharistic Ministers: [1]Christie Gaynor [2] Peter Braganca
Thurifer: Simone Bookman
Lector: Larry Osakwe
Prayer of the Faithful: Elliott Ryder
Oblation bearers: Angela & Malicia
Usher: Joseph Neboh & Obed Agoe
Coffee Hour: Donald Zucca

Serving NEXT Sunday: May 16
Eucharistic Ministers: [1] Kozetta Garnett   [2] Peter Marinkovich
Thurifer: Jacob Daley
Lector: Joe Gaynor
Prayers of the Faithful: Sam Hitz
Oblation bearers: Jai & Belinda
Usher: Robby Igodan
Coffee: Volunteer needed [please, call Phyllis at 310-558-4124 if you can help]

Men of St. Mary meeting:
The Men of St. Mary meeting scheduled for May 9 have been re-scheduled for Sunday, May 16. Please, note and endeavor to attend. Men whose emails are available to the parish, please, check your email for the agenda for this meeting.

A. Thursday, May 13: Ascension Day: Annual Joint Eucharistic service with Grace Lutheran Church, Culver City here at St. Mary. Service begins at 7pm. Eucharistic Ministers, please volunteer to serve at this Mass.

B. Saturday, May 15: Ordination and Consecration of Rev. Canon Diane Jardin Bruce and Rev. Canon Mary Douglas Glasspool as Bishops Suffragan at the Long Beach Arena near the Aquarium. Pre-Mass celebration begins at 12:30pm. Plan on arriving early in festive attire. Carpooling is advised; sign-up sheet in St. Joseph Hall.

C.  Sunday, May 16: VESTRY MEETING beginning at 11:15am. If you have any concerns or issues of importance, please, speak to your Vestry members before the meeting.

D. Sunday, May 23: Feast of Pentecost. The Gospel would be read in many non-English languages. Signed up so far to read: Donald Z [German]; Hyacinth [French]; Florence S. [Ga]. Please, talk to Fr. Shamo if you would like to read this lesson in a non-English language. The passage is from John 20:19-23. Eastertide officially ends this Sunday and we begin the season of Pentecost. The Paschal Candle which has been lit all of Easter will be extinquished and removed from its present stand, to be used next at baptisms and funerals.

E. Saturday, May 29: Formal au revoir reception for Bishops Chester Talton and Sergio Carranza-Gomes at the Cathedral Center, 840 Echo Park, L.A. CA from Noon till 3pm. Please, mark your calendars and plan on attending this event.
Fr. Shamo

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Who is doing what in coming weeks:



Eucharistic Ministers: [1] Sam Hitz         [2] Joanna Cory
Thurifer:  Peter Marinkovich
Lector:   Beatrice Boggess
Prayer of the Faithful: Lydia Lee-Chin
Oblation bearers:  Jai & Belinda
Usher:   Obed Agoe
Coffee Hour:  Eileen Joyce

Eucharistic Ministers:  [1]Christie Gaynor    [2] Peter Braganca
Thurifer: Simone Bookman
Lector: Larry Osakwe
Prayer of the Faithful: Elliott Ryder
Oblation bearers: Angela & Malicia
Usher: Joseph Neboh
Coffee Hour: Donald Zucca

++ Men of St. Mary, please note. Our next meeting is scheduled for Sunday, May 9 following Mass. Please, endeavor to attend.

Invitation to SPECIAL PARISH FORUM: Sunday, May 2

Invitation to SPECIAL PARISH FORUM: Sunday, May 2

Dear colleague stewards of God's abundant graces:

Greetings in the name of the Risen Lord.

I write to officially invite you to our next PARISH FORUM, scheduled for Sunday, May 2, 2010 immediately following Mass. This meeting is a follow-up on our Annual Parish Meeting held in January. We will hear, discuss and take action on the report from the Special Focus Group appointed by the Vicar, to work out a blue print on what impact our current financial situation will have on the mission, vision and ministries of this parish in the coming years.

1. The current state of our affairs [finances; loss of support by the diocese/repayment of rectory rehabilitation loan].

2. How/which ways we need to grow: finances and ministries.

3. Going forward in the “process of becoming Christ” and a community of faith in hope.

Our current financial situation looks dire but our faith is unshaken and very strong; we may be a small congregation but the potential for working for God and sharing his abundance with all creation is great. We need to hear your voice in how to “re-tool” our parish so we can continue to exercise ministry and be God’s healing and reconciling presence in this community.

Your parish needs your voice to be heard and your presence in order to benefit from our shared wisdom and personal commitment to the cause of Christ and his gospel.

In the meantime, I urge you to pray for this parish, its leadership, people and its ministries.

See you at Mass and the PARISH FORUM on Sunday, May 2.

Colleague steward of God’s abundant graces:

Fr. Vincent Shamo

Bishops Suffragan Ordination and Consecration: May 15

Bishops Suffragan Ordination and Consecration: May 15
Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles
Bishops Suffragan Ordination and Consecration

All are invited; no tickets needed for admission.

Date & Time: Saturday, May 15, 2010

Doors open at 12 noon

12:30 p.m. Celebration Gathering – featuring music and dance highlighting the cultural diversity of our diocesan community

1:30 p.m. Liturgy for the Ordination and Consecration of Bishops Suffragan

Clergy and other participants are asked to arrive by 12:30 p.m.

Location: Long Beach Arena – located in the Long Beach Convention Center Complex, 300 Ocean Blvd., Long Beach, California (90802). Seating capacity for the liturgy will be at least 6,700.

The Arena building is covered by one of the world’s largest murals, “Planet Ocean,” a fabulous array of marine life by environmental artist Wyland. The Arena is the large round blue building often mistaken for the aquarium.

Travel Directions: Long Beach Convention Center, site of the Long Beach Arena, is easily accessible via the Metro Blue Line. More about the Blue Line is here. The Blue Line links with the Red Line (San Fernando/Valley/Hollywood/Downtown) and the Green Line (L.A. Airport/Westside/Norwalk/Lakewood). Various groups and individuals are planning to take the Metro on May 15.

Parking: Ample parking is available at the Long Beach Arena/Convention Center; rate is $10 per car. Special parking areas are reserved for drivers and passengers with disabilities, and for busses.

Nearest Airports: Long Beach Airport (LGB) is nearest. Super Shuttle from Long Beach Airport to Convention Center is approximately $17. Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) and Orange County Airport (SNA) are also suitable for arrivals and departures.

Hotel Arrangements: Special guest room rates are available (until sold out) at the Westin, Long Beach, 333 E. Ocean Blvd. Please state you are with the Episcopal Church to secure that rate. Phone the hotel directly at 562.436.3000. Other nearby hotels include the Hyatt and Renaissance.

Lunch/Snacks/Coffee will be available at the Long Beach Arena – light lunch, snacks, coffee and soft drinks. There are many other restaurants within walking distance of the Arena should you wish to come early and have a nice lunch.

Liturgy Highlights: We are honored that Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori will officiate as chief consecrator. Diocesan Bishop J. Jon Bruno will preach the homily.

Diocesan-wide Choir is being recruited. If you or your choir wish to participate, please contact David York at

Acolytes: Bloy House Seminarians will serve as acolytes.

Banners/Stands: We encourage church banners to be brought for display. We will not process with them. Any other church-related banners – Sunday school, organizations, etc. All are welcome. You must bring your own stand for any banner.

Lay Attire: Sunday Best / festive native dress

Clergy Attire: Cassock, surplice, and red stoles; Bishops -- rochet, chimere, tippet

Visiting Clergy are welcome to vest and to walk in procession; please email bishopsoffice@ladiocese to register in advance.

Offering: The offering received during the service will be designated for the discretionary accounts of the new Bishops Suffragan.

Greeting the New Bishops Suffragan: We anticipate the new Bishops Suffragan will be available for a limited time to greet attendees after the service.

Photography: Please limit photography and do not use flash in the Arena; it is very disruptive during the Liturgy.

Media: Application for credentialing is required for all media representatives; see link on diocesan home page,

Live Webcast & Video on Demand: There will be limited live video streaming available with priority to out-of-state viewers. To arrange access, please email After the liturgy, on-demand viewing will be available via the diocesan web site.

Translation into Spanish, American Sign Language Interpretation: The liturgy will be both translated into Spanish and interpreted in American Sign Language live on site. Persons wishing translation or interpretation should check in at the Arena Hospitality Desk for special seating. For Spanish translation, wireless headsets will be provided on loan.

Gifts from Congregations: Is your parish or mission considering a parish gift to help defray the cost of this event? Contributions may be forwarded by check payable to the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles and designated for the May 15 liturgy. Send to Cathedral Center, P.O Box 512164, Los Angeles, CA 90051.

Gifts from Individuals are most welcome to help defray the cost of this event. Contributions may be forwarded by check payable to the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles and designated for the May 15 liturgy.

Special Seating: There will be reserved seating blocks for the following groups. Please check in on site at the Hospitality Desk, and ushers will guide you to these areas.

Guests of Bishop-elect Diane Jardine Bruce
Guests of Bishop-elect Mary Douglas Glasspool
Clergy of the Diocese, and Visiting Clergy
Bishops of the Church, and spouses
Invited civic/interfaith/ecumenical guests.
People with mobility or hearing impairments
Elected officers and staff of the Diocese
Members of Executive Council
Heads of schools/academic representatives
Representatives of diocesan institutions, organizations and agencies

Volunteers: Come join in and be a part of this exciting event in our Diocese. Please contact Lynn Headley at We have a current need for experienced ushers. Thank you.


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Invitation to SPECIAL PARISH FORUM: Sunday, May 2

Dear colleague stewards of God's abundant graces:
Greetings in the name of the Risen Lord.

I write to officially invite you to our next PARISH FORUM, scheduled for Sunday, May 2, 2010 immediately following Mass. This meeting is a follow-up on our Annual Parish Meeting held in January. We will hear, discuss and take action on the report from the Special Focus Group appointed by the Vicar, to work out a blue print on what impact our current financial situation will have on the mission, vision and ministries of this parish in the coming years.


1. The current state of our affairs [finances; loss of support by the diocese/repayment of rectory rehabilitation loan].
2. How/which ways we need to grow: finances and ministries.
3. Going forward in the “process of becoming Christ” and a community of faith in hope.

Our current financial situation looks dire but our faith is unshaken and very strong; we may be a small congregation but the potential for working for God and sharing his abundance with all creation is great. We need to hear your voice in how to “re-tool” our parish so we can continue to exercise ministry and be God’s healing and reconciling presence in this community.

Your parish needs your voice to be heard and your presence in order to benefit from our shared wisdom and personal commitment to the cause of Christ and his gospel.

In the meantime, I urge you to pray for this parish, its leadership, people and its ministries.

See you at Mass and the PARISH FORUM on Sunday, May 2.

Colleague steward of God’s abundant graces:

Fr. Vincent Shamo

Bishops Suffragan Ordination and Consecration: May 15

Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles

Bishops Suffragan Ordination and Consecration

All are invited; no tickets needed for admission.

Date & Time: Saturday, May 15, 2010

Doors open at 12 noon

12:30 p.m. Celebration Gathering – featuring music and dance highlighting the cultural diversity of our diocesan community

1:30 p.m. Liturgy for the Ordination and Consecration of Bishops Suffragan

Clergy and other participants are asked to arrive by 12:30 p.m.

Location: Long Beach Arena – located in the Long Beach Convention Center Complex, 300 Ocean Blvd., Long Beach, California (90802). Seating capacity for the liturgy will be at least 6,700.

The Arena building is covered by one of the world’s largest murals, “Planet Ocean,” a fabulous array of marine life by environmental artist Wyland. The Arena is the large round blue building often mistaken for the aquarium.

Travel Directions: Long Beach Convention Center, site of the Long Beach Arena, is easily accessible via the Metro Blue Line. More about the Blue Line is here. The Blue Line links with the Red Line (San Fernando/Valley/Hollywood/Downtown) and the Green Line (L.A. Airport/Westside/Norwalk/Lakewood). Various groups and individuals are planning to take the Metro on May 15.

Parking: Ample parking is available at the Long Beach Arena/Convention Center; rate is $10 per car. Special parking areas are reserved for drivers and passengers with disabilities, and for busses.

Nearest Airports: Long Beach Airport (LGB) is nearest. Super Shuttle from Long Beach Airport to Convention Center is approximately $17. Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) and Orange County Airport (SNA) are also suitable for arrivals and departures.

Hotel Arrangements: Special guest room rates are available (until sold out) at the Westin, Long Beach, 333 E. Ocean Blvd. Please state you are with the Episcopal Church to secure that rate. Phone the hotel directly at 562.436.3000. Other nearby hotels include the Hyatt and Renaissance.

Lunch/Snacks/Coffee will be available at the Long Beach Arena – light lunch, snacks, coffee and soft drinks. There are many other restaurants within walking distance of the Arena should you wish to come early and have a nice lunch.

Liturgy Highlights: We are honored that Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori will officiate as chief consecrator. Diocesan Bishop J. Jon Bruno will preach the homily.

Diocesan-wide Choir is being recruited. If you or your choir wish to participate, please contact David York at

Acolytes: Bloy House Seminarians will serve as acolytes.

Banners/Stands: We encourage church banners to be brought for display. We will not process with them. Any other church-related banners – Sunday school, organizations, etc. All are welcome. You must bring your own stand for any banner.

Lay Attire: Sunday Best / festive native dress

Clergy Attire: Cassock, surplice, and red stoles; Bishops -- rochet, chimere, tippet

Visiting Clergy are welcome to vest and to walk in procession; please email bishopsoffice@ladiocese to register in advance.

Offering: The offering received during the service will be designated for the discretionary accounts of the new Bishops Suffragan.

Greeting the New Bishops Suffragan: We anticipate the new Bishops Suffragan will be available for a limited time to greet attendees after the service.

Photography: Please limit photography and do not use flash in the Arena; it is very disruptive during the Liturgy.

Media: Application for credentialing is required for all media representatives; see link on diocesan home page,

Live Webcast & Video on Demand: There will be limited live video streaming available with priority to out-of-state viewers. To arrange access, please email After the liturgy, on-demand viewing will be available via the diocesan web site.

Translation into Spanish, American Sign Language Interpretation: The liturgy will be both translated into Spanish and interpreted in American Sign Language live on site. Persons wishing translation or interpretation should check in at the Arena Hospitality Desk for special seating. For Spanish translation, wireless headsets will be provided on loan.

Gifts from Congregations: Is your parish or mission considering a parish gift to help defray the cost of this event? Contributions may be forwarded by check payable to the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles and designated for the May 15 liturgy. Send to Cathedral Center, P.O Box 512164, Los Angeles, CA 90051.

Gifts from Individuals are most welcome to help defray the cost of this event. Contributions may be forwarded by check payable to the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles and designated for the May 15 liturgy.

Special Seating: There will be reserved seating blocks for the following groups. Please check in on site at the Hospitality Desk, and ushers will guide you to these areas.

Guests of Bishop-elect Diane Jardine Bruce
Guests of Bishop-elect Mary Douglas Glasspool
Clergy of the Diocese, and Visiting Clergy
Bishops of the Church, and spouses
Invited civic/interfaith/ecumenical guests.
People with mobility or hearing impairments
Elected officers and staff of the Diocese
Members of Executive Council
Heads of schools/academic representatives
Representatives of diocesan institutions, organizations and agencies

Volunteers: Come join in and be a part of this exciting event in our Diocese. Please contact Lynn Headley at We have a current need for experienced ushers. Thank you.


Monday, April 12, 2010


Beloved of God and of this parish:
Many of you know or have become familiar in recent years of the worldwide Earth Day celebrations held on April 22.  As a parish, we have been part of this worldwide event because we believe in and preach a stewardship of all creation.  We will join many again this year as we celebrate EARTH DAY on Sunday, April 25.
In the meantime, here are some events in our neighborhood for you to consider taking part in:

Friday, April 9, 2010


Thanks to all [for]:

1. The hard work in getting the church, St. Joseph Hall and the parish grounds ready for Easter.

2. Who joined us in Santa Monica for the inaugural worship service of the Pilgrims-by-the-Sea project.

3. Who prayed for and supported Kaimebreyah Caroline Elizabeth Williams and Matthew Todd Hatchard as they received the sacrament of baptism and, Claudia and Larissa Parada as they made their First Communion on Easter Day.

4. Who have purchased tickets or donated food for the Men of St. Mary BBQ fund-raising event on Sunday, April 11. You can still support this fund-raiser by buy tickets or making a donation to the Men of St. Mary. Please, make checks to "St. Mary" marked "Men's BBQ fundraiser" in the Memo column. Thanks.

1. Saturday, May 15: Ordination of Rev. Canon Diane Jardine Bruce and Rev. Canon Mary Douglas Glasspool as Bishops. Venue is the Long Beach Arena beginning at 1:30pm. For more information, please click on this link:

2.  VESTRY MEETING:  After Mass on Sunday, April 21 beginning at 11:15am. All Vestry members should endeavor to attend.

3. Saturday, May 29: Diocesan community's au revoir party for Bishop Suffragan Chester Talton and Bishop Assistant Sergio Carranza. Venue is the residence of Bishop Diocesan Jon Bruno. More on this later.

For regular news from our Diocesan Office, please go here

Wednesday, March 31, 2010



Here is the schedule of events for HOLY WEEK and EASTER


1. MAUNDY THURSDAY: Proper Liturgy begins at 7pm. This service, marking the institution of the Holy Eucharist also include the rite of the foot-washing, the transfer of the sacrament to the altar of repose, the stripping of the altar and private devotions before the reserved sacrament. It is from this reserved sacrament that communion will be given during the Good Friday liturgy. Sign up to watch for an hour or a portion of it between 8pm and midnight.


- The Stations/Way of the Cross will be prayed at 12pm.

- The Proper Liturgy begins at 7pm. The Passion Gospel would be sung, the Solemn Collects prayed, and communion given from the pre-sanctified gifts. At the end of the service, please spend some time in private prayer or quietly leave the church for those who wish to continue in prayer. Please, plan on taking advantage of the opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Penance this week. For appointment, call the parish office at 310-558-4124.


- This is a parish work day. Morning Prayer will be prayed at 9am.

Three work areas require attention: (a) tidying and getting the church ready; (b) setting up St. Joseph Hall for the post-Mass festive brunch on Sunday and, (c) general tidying up of the immediate areas around the church. Please, plan on spending some time this day to support this project.

- The Proper Liturgy begins at 7pm and include the lighting and blessing of the new fire, procession of the paschal candle, the singing of the Exsultet, the renewal of baptismal vows and first communion at Easter.


Alleluia! Christ is risen. The Lord is risen indeed. Alleluia!!

Four ways planned to celebrate this day:

1. The solemn Mass of Easter, including baptism of Kaimebreyah Caroline Williams and Matthew Todd Hatchard and reception of First Communion by Claudia Parada and Larissa Parada. Join the Williams, Hatchard and Parada families in giving thanks to God.

2. The festive potluck brunch. Please, sign up and bring your most delicious festive food for Easter.

3. Support the Children's Ministry "Easter-egg hunt" project. Donate easter-eggs and not the easter bunny! Plan on bringing special gifts for the children of this parish.

4. Join Joanna Cory and members of the parish at the 2pm Inaugural Mass for Pilgrims-by-the-Sea - an Open-air Church for All Travelers on Life's Journey - in Palisades Park at Ocean and Wilshire Blvd, Santa Monica.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


The Men of St. Mary would like to invite you to their annual BBQ fundraiser.

Date: Sunday, April 11, 2010

Venue: The Parish of St. Mary in Palms, 3647 Watseka Ave. Los Angeles. CA 90034

Time:  Following Mass beginning at 11am

Suggested Donation: $5 per ticket, plus a few more bucks for seconds

Proceeds will go to support the mission and ministries of this parish including our Outreach ministries.

WE ARE COUNTING ON YOU. Bring the family.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Please, SUPPORT St. Mary by registering your Ralphs Card. Here's how...

Here's how to support St. Mary by using your Ralphs card:

1. Log in to
2. Click on Sign in/Register OR Sign up today in the "New Customer" box

  • select a preferred store by entering your Zip Code and clicking search
  • enter email address, confirm email address
  • enter password, confirm password
  • click on any email subscriptions you choose and click NEXT
  • enter your Ralphs REWARD card number and complete your information. Click NEXT
  • agree to the Terms & Conditions  by checking the "box"
  • click on "complete registration"
3. You will then get a message to check your email inbox and click on the link within the body of the email text. You should now see "Your Account has been activated".
4. Click on "Click here' to login to your account. If your session has expired, you will be directed to the sign-in page. Enter your email address and password to access your account.
5. Scroll down until you the Edit Community Contribution link. Click on this link.
6. Enter our NP0 # [4644] and click "save changes"
7. To verify you are enrolled correctly, you will now see your organization's name on your account page. 
8. You have now completed your online rewards card registration AND your Community Contributions registration.
9. Click on "Logout" at the top of the page.
10. Thanks to you and Ralphs. You will now be supporting your parish with much needed funding to carry on God's mission and the ministries of this parish. Thank you.


Here is the schedule of events for HOLY WEEK and EASTER

1. Maundy Thursday: Proper Liturgy begins at 7pm. This service, marking the institution of the Holy Eucharist also include the rite of the foot-washing, the transfer of the sacrament to the altar of repose, the stripping of the altar and private devotions before the reserved sacrament. It is from this reserved sacrament that communion will be given during the Good Friday liturgy. Sign up to watch for an hour or a portion of it between 8pm and midnight.

2. Good Friday: 
    - The Stations/Way of the Cross will be prayed at 12pm.
    - The Proper Liturgy begins at 7pm.  The Passion Gospel would be sung, the Solemn Collects prayed, and communion given from the pre-sanctified gifts. At the end of the service, please spend some time in private prayer or quietly leave the church for those who wish to continue in prayer. Please, plan on taking advantage of the opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Penance this week. For appointment, call the parish office at 310-558-4124.

3. Holy Saturday/Easter Vigil:
   -  This is a parish work day. Morning Prayer will be prayed at 9am.
Three work areas require attention: (a) tidying and getting the church ready; (b) setting up St. Joseph Hall for the post-Mass festive brunch on Sunday and, (c) general tidying up of the immediate areas around the church. Please, plan on spending some time this day to support this project.
   - The Proper Liturgy begins at 7pm and include the lighting and blessing of the new fire, procession of the paschal candle, the singing of the Exsultet, the renewal of baptismal vows and first communion at Easter.

Alleluia! Christ is risen. The Lord is risen indeed. Alleluia!!
Four ways planned to celebrate this day:
1. The solemn Mass of Easter, including baptism of Kaimebreyah Caroline Williams and reception of First Communion by Claudia Parada and Larissa Parada. Join the Williams and Parada families as their children receive these sacraments.
2.  The festive potluck brunch. Please, sign up and bring your most delicious festive food for Easter.
3.  Support the Children's Ministry "Easter-egg hunt" project. Donate easter-eggs and not the easter bunny! Plan on bringing special gifts for the children of this parish.
4. Join Joanna Cory and members of the parish at the 2pm Inaugural Mass for Pilgrims-by-the-Sea  - an Open-air Church for All Travelers on Life's Journey - in Palisades Park at Ocean and Wilshire Blvd, Santa Monica.

UPDATE: Palm/Passion Sunday liturgy


1.  Weather permitting, we will gather [at 9:55am]  in the parking lot for the Liturgy of the Palms, go in procession to the church through the narthex. Join in the celebration and wave your palms.
2.  Here is who is doing what during the celebration:

  •  Eucharistic Ministers: Christie Gaynor [EM1], Peter Braganca [EM2]
  •  Deacon:  Ven. Fred Erickson
  • Thurifer: Simone Bookman
  • Lector: Eileen Joyce
  • Prayers of the Faithful: Bea Boggess
  • Oblations: Denise & Belinda
  • Usher:  Anthony Yarzue
  • Coffee hour refreshments: Volunteer[s] still needed. Please consider signing up. Call Phyllis at the office - 310-558-4124                                      

All welcome at Long Beach Arena for May 15 rites for bishops suffragan

The Bishop Diocesan, J. Jon Bruno invites the diocesan community to the rites of ordination and consecration of Rev. Canon Diane Bruce Jardin and Rev. Canon Mary Glasspool on May 15 at the Long Beach arena.  For more on this event, please click on the following link:

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Of your charity

Please, pray for:
Anthony Joseph, Anthony Starks  and Stephanie Garnett who are recovering from recent un-wellness for full recovery;

and their families:
Jai, Belinda & Akshay, Benjamin & Ashika, and Joe;
Brenda and Jonathan
Clayton and Kozetta

for God's comforting and healing presence in their lives.

This Sunday, March 21

1. Mass begins at 10am with the praying of the complete "Stations/Way of the Cross". To "enjoy" the full benefit of this devotion, please, plan on arriving before 10am, spend some time in silent prayer, meditate on the cross or the sacrifice of Christ.

At St. Mary, EVERYONE IS WELCOME all the time.

2. Here is who is doing what during the service:
  • Eucharistic Ministers: John Paul Braganca [EM1]; Sandra Dyson [EM2]
  • Thurifer:  Anthony Yarzue
  • Lector: Larry Osakwe Sr
  • Prayers of the Faithful: Sam Hitz
  • Oblations: Malicia & Jai
  • Usher: Dr. Joe Neboh
  • Coffee Hour: Charles der Hoeve

Parish Update

You already know that the LA Marathon is this Sunday, March 21. Do you know the route and how this will affect your Sunday commute? Here is the link for the official course:

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Thanks to our NEW Communications team, we would like to explore blogging as a way of keeping parishioners and friends up to date on happenings at St. Mary on a more regular basis.

To get going, let us know if this format appeals to you or you have suggestions to improve the site.

Fr. Shamo