Friday, September 28, 2012

Parish UPDATE: Sept. 30

Beloved of God and of this parish:


The Vestry will meet in regular session on Sunday, Sept. 30 following the 10 am Mass. This was the meeting that was re-scheduled from Sunday, Sept. 16. Please, come with your reports.

Please, look for samples of new fliers in the narthex and in the Lady Chapel. 
  • One flier is a more generic one announcing our services and volunteer opportunities at the parish. Here are some volunteer opportunities at the parish: HIV/AIDS sandwich program; ministry to youth and young adults in our community; choir; acolytes; after-school program, contemplative prayer and meditation, et al.  
  • one flier announcing the blessing of our pet and animal companions at the Sunday, October 7 mass. Though not on this flier, pet and animal companions will also be blessed at the 1 pm service on that same Sunday.
  • Please, take a sample copy of any of the fliers and feel free to duplicate and pass on or let Sandra and Phyllis know how many copies you need for distribution in your own network of friends.
The Los Angeles Triathlon is being run this Sunday, Sept. 30. Venice Blvd would be closed up to 10 am. If you live south of Venice, please make alternate arrangements to come to church.

Finally, the Block party is here!!! Our neighbors have really worked hard to make this happen and they need to be commended. Here is what to expect tomorrow, Saturday, Sept. 29:
  • two porta-potties would arrive tomorrow before 10 am and will be sited on Faris Drive for the event. Thanks to our donors from the church.
  • Faris Dr. would be blocked at Charnock and Hannum about 10 am
  • we will set up tables and chairs around 10 am on Faris Dr. Volunteers welcome.
  • Map out of area: 
    • food assembly area and grilling site. Our food Coordinators are Grillmaster David Gardener assisted by Renaldo and Sylvia. 
    • Food will be potluck and community lunch will be served at 12 pm.
    • Entertainment includes music provided by youth in our community and by the band "Phat,Slap,Daddy"
  • I will pass out copies of our new fliers to attendees.
  • there will be an opportunity to win one of five coupons for Comprehensive Fitness and Evaluation and one free fitness session. Each coupon is worth $195
  • Sponsorship packages were made possible by Albertsons, Trader Joes, Ralphs, Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf, COOPS Pizza, and Bio Mechanix Strength and Conditioning Clinic.
  • Presentations will be made by: 
    • Councilman Paul Koretz, Council District 5
    • the Palms Neighborhood Council - the upcoming Council elections, how to get involved in your community
    • the Evening of Community (Watch Community) - earthquake preparedness, among others 
    • the LAPD Explorer Program
  • Invite your friends to come share in the fun and make new friends.
1. For news from the Anglican Communion office, please go to
2. For news about the Diocese of Los Angeles
3. For news about Palms Neighborhood Council
4. For news about the Expo Line

1. the Crown Nominations Commission as they nominate two persons for the office of Archbishop of Canterbury this weekend.
2. God's blessings on our parish in its stewardship and ministries.
3. For our communities that they may be safe places to raise children and live in.
4. For the sick, the unemployed, homeless veterans and children in our community.

See you at Mass. 

Fr. Vincent