Lectionary readings for Sunday, March 15, 2020, Third Sunday in Lent Year A:
My short reflection:
The readings for this Sunday reminds one of two important facts of life:
First, drawing from a well. Many people - first century Israelites included - understand this metaphorical "drawing". For many Jews, wisdom can be drawn from the Torah. Hermits from antiquity drew wisdom from the solitude of the desert and their cells. Students draw knowledge from institutions of learning. Many draw and impart wisdom from life's experiences. Christians draw LIFE from the mission and life truly and honestly lived in Jesus Christ.
For further meditation: from which source(s) are you drawing daily (constant) strength and faith-filled hope to live your life as a maturing (human) person and disciple of Jesus Christ?
Secondly, the Samaritan woman in a way becomes the first missionary for Jesus Christ for she goes into the village and invites her neighbors to “Come and see a man who told me everything I have ever done! He cannot be the Messiah, can he?” She invites her neighbors to explore a possible new relationship with this stranger called Jesus who could be the Messiah they'd be hoping and praying for.
Missionaries come in different shapes and passions. Perhaps, as the first person in one's family to finish High School or College, acquire a professional degree, own her/his own house or even become a disciple of Christ. Whatever the role of missionary is, one is invited to spread the great news of a particular mission.
For further meditation: In what way are you a missionary? How does it feel to be a missionary?
I look forward to and welcome your comments which are highly appreciated.