Friday, October 26, 2012

Parish Weekly UPDATE: 10/28

Beloved of God and of this parish:

Thanks to all who have been praying with me and keeping the ministries of this parish alive while I have been on vacation. I look forward to my return to the parish on Monday, October 29.

Here are some UPCOMING notices requiring your attention:

(a) Fr. Brad Karelius will be our Guest Celebrant and Preacher at the 10 am Mass. Please bring your friends to church and get to meet Fr. Brad. 

(b) The elections to the Board of the Palms Neighborhood Council is this Sunday, October 28. Voting begins at 10 am and ENDS at 2 pm. If you live in, have business or worship in Palms, you are a stakeholder and may vote. Voting will be at the IMAN Cultural Center, 3376 Motor Avenue (between National Blvd and Woodbine). Your voice and vote will help make our community safer and better administered.


(a)Thursday, Nov. 1 is All Saints Day. Our All Saints Day celebrations will be on Sunday, November 4. If you have departed ones you would like to remember in a very special way, please, give their names to Phyllis on Sunday, and consider donating flowers in their honor. During the Prayers of the Faithful, we will pray the Litany of the Saints, alternating between Men and Women voices. For those who observe Dia de los Muertos, have a great event. 

We will keep this special day as a Day of Remembrance. If you know a Veteran, please invite him or her to join us in our local celebration of Veterans.

  • National Diabetes Month
  • Lung Cancer Awareness Month 
  • Alzheimer's Disease Awareness Month as well as 
  • Hospice Palliative Care Month
  • We will have two conversations on Hospice Palliative Care on November 4 after Mass. Conversation would include preparing Advance Directives and Funeral Plans


(a) Saturday, November 10: 
Our parish's Fall Thrift Sales. Please, donate items and volunteer to help set up, clean up and welcome shoppers as they buy. You might make a friend for our parish. More on this in next week's bulletin and during the Sunday notices.

(b). Saturday, November 17
We will host a Poker Night to raise funds for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), often referred to as "Lou Gehrig's Disease. This is a private initiative and our parish will get a share of the funds raised. A $40 donation is requested. We expect over 50 participants. 

Tired at the end of the day from all that office work and traffic? Need some time to pray with friends? Join us every Tuesday and Thursday at 6:30 pm - each night - to pray the Evening Service from the Book of Common Prayer. Spread the word and bring your friends.

(a) Bianca Mussenden, Patrick Williams, Sr. Rosina Ampah, OSH and all who are recovering from recent illness. Remember to pray for all who minister to their needs at this time.

(b) The Vestrymembers, staff and volunteers of our parish.

(c) Clergy and people of The Church of Advent (San Francisco) and St. Mary the Virgin, (New York), our special partners in ministry.

(d) All who are battling financial challenges and parenting challenges.

See you at Mass this and every Sunday.

Fr. Vincent

Friday, October 12, 2012

OC Superior Court judgments in favor of Diocese of Los Angeles

Judgments grant Long Beach, North Hollywood properties to Diocese
[The Episcopal News, Los Angeles] -- Final Judgments in favor of the Diocese of Los Angeles and the Episcopal Church in cases regarding Long Beach and North Hollywood property disputes have been entered by the Orange County Superior Court.
"The Judgments conclude the trial court portion of the cases and declare that the Diocese holds the properties in trust for the current and future mission of the Episcopal Church," said diocesan attorney John R. Shiner.

"It is ordered, adjudged and decreed that final judgment is entered in favor of Plaintiffs [including] the Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Los Angeles... and Plaintiff-In-Intervention The Episcopal Church and against defendants," each Judgment reads. Links to the cases are here:  
"We will move forward with an orderly transition," said the Rt. Rev. J. Jon Bruno, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles, who was present in the courtroom Aug. 24 for the recent proceedings. "Being people of compassion and understanding, we have been in touch with the attorneys for both congregations, and we will make every effort to respect the dignity of all involved."
The Court will take up another case, involving the congregation of St. James', Newport Beach, on Oct. 24.
The litigation began eight years ago when a majority of members of All Saints' Church in Long Beach, St. David's Church in North Hollywood, and St. James' Church in Newport Beach voted to disaffiliate from the Episcopal Church and the Diocese of Los Angeles. A Court returned a fourth property -- St. Luke's of the Mountains Church in La Crescenta -- to the Diocese in 2009.