Friday, September 19, 2014

Parish UPDATE: Sunday, Sept. 21

Beloved of God, 

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Here is what is making news in our parish:

    • Sunday, Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost [Proper 20]
    • VESTRY MEETING beginning at 11:30 am in St. Cecilia Conference Room   
2.   UPCOMING EVENTS: Mark your calendars:  
  • Saturday, September 27: Third annual Faris Drive Neighborhood Block party from 11 am to 3 pm. Volunteer workers needed Donations welcomed. Please, talk to Fr. Vincent if you can help.
  • Blessing of the animals [in the plaza]: Sunday, October 5 after the 10 am Mass
  • PARISH RUMMAGE SALE: Saturday, November 8 & Sunday, Nov. 9
  • Continued healing for Bianca, Joanna, Gerda, Anthony Jo, Fr. Anderson
  • all travelling at this time: Fr. Derek, SSF, Anthony and Jai, Alyssa, Debora
  • a cure for the Ebola disease. For all who have died in that pandemic and for their families as they mourn.
  • Our youth as they return to school especially for Natasha, Vincent, Simone, Audrey, Michelle, Larry Jr, Jeffrey, Yasmine
4For news about:
5: Like us on Facebook; follow us on Twitter.

See you at Mass. Bring a friend and your family to church.

Fr. Vincent