Beloved of God and of this parish:
A. November is Hospice Care month.
On Sunday, November 25, our parish will be hosting a forum on "Palliative Care and Hospice, Advanced Directives and funeral planning" from 11 am to 11:45 am in our Parish Hall. Our speaker would be Ms. Rose Lanam, Angeles Vista Hospice Care, Beverly Hills. If you have time to join us or have questions about Hospice Care, Advanced Directives, know that you and your friends will be welcome to join us in this project.. Spread the word.
(i) Saturday, November 17: Our parish rummage sale begins at 8 am and would be finished by 3 pm. If you can help out, that would be most helpful.
(ii) We will host a poker-night fundraiser to support Lou Gehrig's disease research beginning at 3:30 pm on Saturday, November 17. Funds would benefit ALS and St. Mary. Admission is $40.
(iii) Vestry would meet on Sunday, November 18 following the 10 am Mass. Vestry members please take note and come with your monthly reports.
In keeping with the traditions of this parish, we will join our sisters and brothers at Grace Lutheran Church, 4427 Overland Ave, Culver City on Thursday, November 22 for our joint-Thanksgiving Day service. Service begins at 10 am . Please, spread the word and bring your friends. Let us work towards the realization of Jesus' prayer that "they may all be one as you Father and I are one".
On Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7 pm in the Chapel. We are usually done by 7:30 pm. As usual, you and your friends are welcome.
(i) Sunday, December 2: First Sunday in Advent and beginning of the new Church year.
(ii) Saturday, December 8: Diocesan Convention, San Bernadino
(iii) Sunday, December 16: Vestry Meeting
(iv) Sunday, December 23: Advent 4. Neighborhood Christmas sing-along - 3.30 to 5 pm.
F. Of your charity, please pray for:
(i) all who are discerning vocations to various ministries in the church
(ii) Bishop Justin Welby, Bishop of Durham and the next Archbishop of Canterbury.
(iii) all who are recovering from recent illness: Bianca Mussenden, Sr. Rosina Ampah, OSH, Patrick Williams
(iv) safety for all who will be travelling this coming week to celebrate Thanksgiving Day with family and friends.
(v) our nation as it begins the healing process post-election
(vi) a very successful parish stewardship campaign
See you at Mass
Fr. Vincent