Saturday, December 1, 2012

Parish UPDATE: Dec. 2

Beloved of God and of this parish:

1. ADVENT SEASON begins Sunday, December 2. We will need volunteer help to set up the church on December 1 and December 22. Please, mark your calendars for these days and help if you can. Work will begin at 10 am and finish at 11 am. We will need help with ushering and greeting newcomers and visitors to church. If you can help with ushering and greeting, please talk with Sandra after Mass.

We will begin these series on Saturday, December 1. Soup and salad would be provided. Series would run every other Saturday. Please, check Sunday's bulletin for flyers and our website and Facebook for more information. Please, encourage and bring your friends to these series. Let us strengthen our faith.

The Stewardship Committee and the Vestry are grateful to all who have already turned in their pledge cards for fiscal year 2013 and/or have helped in cultivating new pledges for our parish. The vision, mission and ministries of this parish are owned, powered by all of us and made possible by our shared ministries and witness to the power of God working in our lives. Let us double our efforts in raising the funding necessary to make our shared ministries sustainable. No pledge effort or donation is too small. God has been generous with us, NO DOUBT, let us be generous of our resources for God and his kingdom. May the God who continues to be generous with us, inspire us to be generous to him and his kingdom.

As already published, we need all pledge cards in by Sunday, December 9 and we will have a special Stewardship celebration on Sunday, December 16. 


This year's Diocesan Convention would be a one-day event scheduled for Saturday, December 8 in San Bernadino. Please, keep our Diocese and the kingdom of God in your prayers at this time.

(b)Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe: Wednesday, December 12 at 7 pm in the church. Please, invite your friends to this service.

(c) Posada: Sunday, December 16 at 1 pm. 

(d) Caroling (villancicos) at St. Mary: Sunday, December 23 at 3 pm. Time to relax with apple cider and carol singing. Time to build community - our parish and local community. All voices welcomed.

4. NEEDED FOR THE CHURCH: Our parish is in need of two (2) travel Mass kit for taking communion to shut ins and the sick. Here is a picture of what it looks like. Bought from the traditional Catholic bookstore, this is very expensive. However, you can find the same  or similar kits on Craigslist for much less. This is one of the traditional gifts of Christmas that keeps on giving for every time the sacraments are administered using the vessels from this kit, a prayer will be offered for you. 

 Travel Mass Kit
(i) Recovering from illness: Ralph Williams, Bianca, Rose Lanam, Andrea Williams, Anthony Jo, Bishop Jon Bruno, Patrick Williams, Hyacinth Young,  David Lloyd, Rev. Canon Cyprian Fields, Rev. Canon Rosina Ampah, OSH
(ii) Youth in our parish: Vincent, Larry Jr, Simone, Audrey, Michelle
(iii) God's blessing on our parish, its ministries and finances
(iv) Our benefactors and all who made the ministries of this parish possible
(v) The Vestry 
(vii) All who are discerning vocations to various ministries in the church especially the consecrated life and the ordained ministries.
(viii) Peace in the Middle East, especially Jordan, Syria and Egypt.

(i) Anglican Communion News:
(ii) Diocese of Los Angeles:
(iii) Palms Neighborhood

See you at Mass on Sunday.

Fr. Vincent