Friday, April 9, 2010


Thanks to all [for]:

1. The hard work in getting the church, St. Joseph Hall and the parish grounds ready for Easter.

2. Who joined us in Santa Monica for the inaugural worship service of the Pilgrims-by-the-Sea project.

3. Who prayed for and supported Kaimebreyah Caroline Elizabeth Williams and Matthew Todd Hatchard as they received the sacrament of baptism and, Claudia and Larissa Parada as they made their First Communion on Easter Day.

4. Who have purchased tickets or donated food for the Men of St. Mary BBQ fund-raising event on Sunday, April 11. You can still support this fund-raiser by buy tickets or making a donation to the Men of St. Mary. Please, make checks to "St. Mary" marked "Men's BBQ fundraiser" in the Memo column. Thanks.

1. Saturday, May 15: Ordination of Rev. Canon Diane Jardine Bruce and Rev. Canon Mary Douglas Glasspool as Bishops. Venue is the Long Beach Arena beginning at 1:30pm. For more information, please click on this link:

2.  VESTRY MEETING:  After Mass on Sunday, April 21 beginning at 11:15am. All Vestry members should endeavor to attend.

3. Saturday, May 29: Diocesan community's au revoir party for Bishop Suffragan Chester Talton and Bishop Assistant Sergio Carranza. Venue is the residence of Bishop Diocesan Jon Bruno. More on this later.

For regular news from our Diocesan Office, please go here