Beloved of God and of this parish:
1. THIS WEEKEND AT ST. MARY, Sunday, March 10
- The Fourth Sunday of Lent. Laetare Sunday, fourth Sunday in Lent in the Western Christian Church, so called from the first word (“Rejoice”) of the introit of the liturgy. It is also known as mid-Lent Sunday, for it occurs just over halfway through Lent, and as Refreshment Sunday because it may be observed with some relaxation of Lenten strictness. In medieval England simnel cakes (special rich fruitcakes) were consumed on this day. In the Anglican churches it is sometimes called Mothering Sunday, with reference to a verse in Galatians 4:27
- Mass begins with the singing of the Great Litany in procession within the nave of the church. Join us in praying for the needs of our world and the church.
- Fifth Sunday in Lent (formerly known as Passion Sunday). This is the Sunday before Palm Sunday and two Sundays before Easter.
- Vestry Meeting following the 10 am Mass
There are many opportunities for spiritual and christian formation available for your use this Lent and I would like to encourage you to make use of these. Here are a few.
- TUESDAYS: Evening Prayer at 7:00 pm
- THURSDAYS : Bible Study at 6:30 pm. We are currently studying the Book of Nehemiah. Everyone welcome. We are done by 7:45 pm
- FRIDAY: Stations of the Cross at 9:30 am and 6:30 pm; Evening Prayer at 7:00 pm
- FIRST AND THIRD SATURDAYS: Desire of the Nations Movie Night at 6:30 pm. We'll be watching movies from or about the various countries our families come from.
- Pick up a booklet for daily meditations in Lent. These are available in the chapel area and at no cost to you.
- Daily Mass
- Consider making an appointment for Sacramental Confession
- Explore the services of a Spiritual Director. Talk to Fr. Vincent or Julia Bergstrom, Fr. (Br.) Derek Ford, SSF, Fr. Anderson, [all certified Spiritual Directors], if you have questions.
- to all who strive month by month to be current on their pledges. We are running a very tight budget and we count on all pledges to help sustain the ministries of this parish. God richly replenish and bless all you give to help build his kingdom.
- to all parishioners for sustaining the ministries of this parish and for striving to grow in discipleship, in your baptismal vows and in helping spread the good news of God in Jesus Christ
- to our benefactors and ministry partners. You can always make a secure and safe donation to the parish, online at our website,
- to our youth for their determination to grow in discipleship and in relationship with God and us
- Pledge Cards: If you have not picked up your Pledge Cards or Pledge Envelopes, please remember to do this on Sunday. Our talents, treasure and time makes the ministries of this parish possible. Thanks for sharing your spiritual and temporal gifts with us.
- Palm Sunday procession [Sunday, March 24]: We will bless the palms in the new plaza and process around the block - Faris to Exposition to Watseka and end up in the church. Service will start at 10 am.
- Next Movie Night: Saturday, March 16 at 6:30 pm. We'll continue the series on India. Please, tell and bring a friend.
- Next Confirmation Class is Sunday, April 7. Class meets after Mass in St. Cecilia room. Of your charity, please pray for our confirmation candidates: Kevin, Natasha, Audrey, Michelle and Yasmine and for their sponsors: Jojo, Inez and Daphne.
- Special Offerings for Lent:
- Good Friday collection to support the work of the church in Jerusalem.
- Flowers for Easter. Please, consider making a donation for flowers for Palms Sunday as well.
- Help needed for Maundy Thursday. We encourage you to bring flowers on Wednesday, March 27 and Thursday, March 28 to help decorate the meditation garden/Altar of Repose in readiness for Maundy Thursday.
- Continued healing for Bianca Mussenden, Robby, Anthony Joseph, Gerda, Bea, Sister Rosina, OSH, Margaret Gottschalk.
- All who are searching for meaningful work and relationships
- All who are battling cancer, diabetes and Alzheimers.
- God's comforting and strengthening presence for all who are overwhelmed with work
- Our students Vincent, Larry Jr, Simone, Obed, Natasha, Yasmine, Jeffrey, Audrey and Michelle.
- Our Palms community that it would be safe for all residents
- All who are being prepared for baptism at Easter.
- For news from or about the Diocese of Los Angeles, please, go to to
- For news about or from Palms, please, go to
- For news about the EXPO Line extension, please, go to
See you at Mass.
Fr. Vincent
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