Beloved of God and of this parish:
Greetings. Here's what's making news THIS WEEKEND AT ST. MARY:
- Mass at 9 am
- Decoration of Community Christmas tree in the plaza - all day Saturday, December 19
- Parish Work Day begins at 12 pm. We will set up the arch in the sanctuary, the Christmas tree(s) and generally get the church ready for this great Feast of the Solemnity of the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ.
- Pizza will be served. Bring along your friends.
- Thanks very much for helping out
- We welcome The Rt. Rev. Edward Mackenzie, (Rtd). Anglican Diocese of Cape Town, South Africa, our Guest Celebrant and Preacher through the Feast of the Epiphany.
- Community Christmas Carol sing-along from 4 - 5 pm in our plaza.
- A good time to spend with your friends and family. Children welcomed
- Hot apple cider, cookies, as well as JOY, HOPE and LOVE will be generously served.Okay to bring festive munchables.
- "O come, all ye faithful.."
- AVAILABLE NOW: our parish's 2016 Churchman's Ordo Kalendar. . Few copies remain. Get your copies NOW. Cost - $3. Makes for a great Christmas present.
- Invite your friends and buddies to church this Sunday and every Sunday.
- We meet in the Sacristy.
- We are just about finishing the Book of the Acts of the Apostles
- No experience necessary.
- Bring your Bible and your friends
- Spanish Edition: We meet on Tuesday from about 7 pm either in the Chapel at St. Mary or in a parishioner's home. Please, call Fr. Juan (213-434-0476) for more details.
3. UPCOMING SERIES ON FAITH FORMATION: Sundays from 11:30 to 12 pm
Kathleen Norris's "Embracing A Life of Meaning". A five-session Study.
- Session 5 (December 20): We Matter: What does it mean to remain in God's image and to counter our selfishness by embracing the world and its needs.
- Sunday, December 27: The first part of the "A Thrill of Hope" video series.
- Thanks for for your faithfulness and generous pledge towards the ministries of this parish in year 2016
- Please, put your Pledge Card in a sealed envelope and put it in the offering plate or just put the signed Pledge Card in the offering plate at Mass on Sunday.
- Christmas Eve: Thursday, December 24:
- Carol singing beginning at 11:30 pm
- Mass of the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ at Midnight
- Christmas Day. Friday, December 25
- Mass at 10 am
- First Sunday after Christmas, Sunday, December 27
- English Service (Mass): 10 am
- Spanish Service (Misa): 1 pm
- No evening service on New Year's Eve. Church will be opened until Midnight for private prayer and meditation.
- Look out for the CHRISTMAS SCHEDULE on the "Welcome" tables in the church.
- for making the mission and ministries of our parish possible.
- for helping us raise the needed money to install the new ceiling fans.
- Benefactors: You can also make DONATIONS (Paypal) at our website or include our parish in your WILL.
- full recovery post-surgery, for Mr. Kenneth Spurling, father of Megan Marsh. Pray for Megan, Michael and Annabelle and the Spurling family at this time. Thank you.
- political will in implementing a global action on Environmental Stewardship
- compassionate care for all who sleep on our sidewalks and streets this Christmas
- all who are currently discerning vocations to ministries in the church especially the Sacred Order of Priesthood, Youth Ministry and, Eremitic Monasticism
- continued healing for Gerda, Anthony Joseph, Patrice Gonzales, Nora, Ben, Roberta, Mary Jane.
- all pilgrims to the Holy Land this Christmas.
- Natasha, Vincent, Larry Jr, Jeffrey, Simone, Obed, Audrey, Michelle, Yasmine, Jason, Annabelle, Biko Lisustha, Amani Lisustha
- the Diocese of Los Angeles, please click on
- the Episcopal Church, please, click on
- the Expo Line construction, please, click on
- the Palms Neighborhood Council, click on
Fr. Vincent