Friday, September 26, 2014

Parish UPDATE: September 28

Beloved of God, 

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Here is what is making news in our parish:

    • Saturday, September 27: Third Annual Faris Drive Neighborhood Block party. 
      • Event held on Faris Drive between Charnock Ave and Hannum Drive between 11 am and 3 pm. 
      • Food, lots of fun and live music. 
      • Meet, Share, Network. Lots of volunteer opportunities available. 
      • Donations welcomed. 
      • Presentations by Los Angeles Police Department; Councilman Paul Koretz; Palms Neighborhood Council; Palms Emergency Preparedness Coalition; Los Angeles Fire Department; Children's Hospital/USC
    • Sunday, Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost [Proper 21]
      • Ask the Parish Office for our new Animal Companion policy.
      • help us raise $500  by October 10 to buy a generator for Holy Cross Mission, Liberia so Health Care providers working on the Ebola crisis can charge their cell phones an important task in a place of Liberia where there is no electricity.
      • make donations payable to "St. Mary in Palms" with "Generator or  Holy Cross Mission" in the Memo line.
      • donations may qualify for tax purposes and will go directly to the Health care workers and not Government. Thanks.
 3. UPCOMING EVENTS: Mark your calendars:  
  • Feast of st. Michael and All Angels, Monday, Sept. 29
  • Blessing of the animals [in the plaza]: Sunday, October 5 after the 10 am Mass
  • Next date for administering the Sacrament of Baptism is All Saints Day, Nov. 2.
  • PARISH RUMMAGE SALE: Saturday, November 8 & Sunday, Nov. 9
  • Continued healing for Bianca, Joanna, Gerda, Anthony Jo, Fr. Anderson
  • all travelling at this time: Alyssa, Mark
  • Christians in the Middle Eastern countries suffering persecution.
  • a cure for the Ebola disease. God's blessings on the work of Health Care professionals working in Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia. For all who have died in the Ebola pandemic and for their families as they mourn.
  • Our youth: Natasha, Vincent, Simone, Audrey, Michelle, Larry Jr, Jeffrey, Yasmine
5For news about:
6: Like us on Facebook; follow us on Twitter.

See you at Mass. Bring a friend and your family to church.

Fr. Vincent

Friday, September 19, 2014

Parish UPDATE: Sunday, Sept. 21

Beloved of God, 

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Here is what is making news in our parish:

    • Sunday, Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost [Proper 20]
    • VESTRY MEETING beginning at 11:30 am in St. Cecilia Conference Room   
2.   UPCOMING EVENTS: Mark your calendars:  
  • Saturday, September 27: Third annual Faris Drive Neighborhood Block party from 11 am to 3 pm. Volunteer workers needed Donations welcomed. Please, talk to Fr. Vincent if you can help.
  • Blessing of the animals [in the plaza]: Sunday, October 5 after the 10 am Mass
  • PARISH RUMMAGE SALE: Saturday, November 8 & Sunday, Nov. 9
  • Continued healing for Bianca, Joanna, Gerda, Anthony Jo, Fr. Anderson
  • all travelling at this time: Fr. Derek, SSF, Anthony and Jai, Alyssa, Debora
  • a cure for the Ebola disease. For all who have died in that pandemic and for their families as they mourn.
  • Our youth as they return to school especially for Natasha, Vincent, Simone, Audrey, Michelle, Larry Jr, Jeffrey, Yasmine
4For news about:
5: Like us on Facebook; follow us on Twitter.

See you at Mass. Bring a friend and your family to church.

Fr. Vincent

Friday, September 12, 2014

Parish UPDATE: Sunday, September 14

Beloved of God, 

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Here is what is making news in our parish:

    • Sunday, Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost [Proper 19]
  •  who helped prepare our parish for our patronal feast on Sunday, Sept. 7
  •  who provided food, beverages and music for our patronal feast .
  •  who helped make Bishop Suffragan Mary Glasspool's visit with us a huge success.
  •   who helped prepare our brothers and sisters who received the Sacrament of Confirmation or were received into the Anglican Communion and The Episcopal Church
3.   UPCOMING EVENTS: Mark your calendars:  
  • Saturday, September 27: Third annual Faris Drive Neighborhood Block party from 10 am to 3 pm. Volunteer workers needed. Please, talk to Fr. Vincent if you can help with planning.
  • Blessing of the animals [in the plaza]: Sunday, October 5 after the 10 am Mass
  • PARISH RUMMAGE SALE: Saturday, November 8 & Sunday, Nov. 9
  • Continued healing for Bianca, Joanna, Gerda, Anthony Jo, Fr. Anderson
  • all travelling at this time: Fr. Derek, SSF, Anthony and Jai, Alyssa, Debora
  • a cure for the Ebola disease. For all who have died in that pandemic and for their families as they mourn.
5For news about:
6: Like us on Facebook; follow us on Twitter.

See you at Mass. Bring a friend and your family to church.

Fr. Vincent

Friday, September 5, 2014


Beloved in Christ,

Good afternoon.

Here is your invitation to our Patronal Feast celebration on Sunday, September 7.

Service will begin at 11 am with the rite for the Solemn Reception of a Bishop, followed by a procession around our neighborhood accompanied by a quartet of musicians playing trumpets and trombones. 

Bishop Mary Douglas Glasspool, Bishop Suffragan, Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles,  will be the Celebrant and Preacher at Mass following the procession. Mass will be bi-lingual - all printed in a very user-friendly worship bulletin.

Several members of the parish - in both Spanish and English communities - will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation or be received into The Episcopal Church and the worldwide Anglican Communion.

Following Mass, join us at our festive reception in St. Joseph Hall. This is a potluck event, so bring some food to share.

I am looking forward to this special event in our parish's life and hope you can join us. Bring your family and friends.

Fr. Vincent

... ""Every Christian needs a half hour of prayer each day, except when he is busy, then he needs an hour." - Saint Francis of Sales "