Friday, January 28, 2011

Parish Update: 1/30

Beloved of God and of this parish: 

Here is a "digest" read of what made news in our parish this week and will be making news in the coming weeks:

Thanks to all who helped make our parish's Annual General Meeting successful. I would like to encourage all of us to rededicate our lives and talents to partnering God in his purpose for the world and ourselves by becoming more active in our shared ministries. May God bless our dedicated lives, our offering of ourselves as we live our shared ministries in our homes, our communities and in our parish. "One mission, different gifts"; "One Master, many disciples".

During coffee-hour, we will have a conversation around the book "Living a Eucharistic Spirituality". If you have not already bought your copy of that book, it costs only $3. Copies would be available on Sunday. If you already have a copy, please read up on that book so we can have a lovely conversation.

Many of you have heard that we are in need of storage space as we begin collecting good rummage towards our end-of-year fund-raiser. We have a plan to erect a new storage shed in the backyard of the rectory to use for this purpose. WE HAVE A DONATED STORAGE SHED WITH ALL OR MOST OF THE NEEDED MATERIALS FOR COMPLETE INSTALLATION. 

All we need are: (1) people in our parish community with skills in installing such storage sheds to serve as the lead team. (b) If need be, to schedule parish work days to support the lead team in putting the storage shed together. If we do it by ourselves, we can save between $400 and $500 and help strengthen our common life. If you can help with this project, please let Fr. Shamo know.

This coming week will be the last week for submissions re: texts and design for re-doing the parish signage above the front entrance door. Please, let Fr. Shamo have your submission by Sunday, February 6.

See you at God's banquet table.

Fr. Shamo

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Parish Update: Jan. 16

Beloved of God and of this parish:

An update of happenings in the parish:

Every Wednesday at 7pm in the chapel. Currently studying The Letter of James. Join us if you can. No papers to write and no questions considered inappropriate. Bring your own Bible though. We are usually done by 8pm.

The marathon will be going through Venice THIS SUNDAY. Venice Blvd. will be closed from 4am to 11am. Please, find alternate routes to get to church. Don't miss your appointment with God.

Notice is hereby given to all that the ANNUAL PARISH MEETING of this parish will be held on SUNDAY, JANUARY 23, 2010 in St. Joseph Hall following Mass. This is constitutionally mandated by State and Church authorities. Please, endeavor to attend. A full agenda will be sent next week by email and posted also on the parish website. Food will be provided by the Church. If you would like to help, please, talk with Fr. Shamo or Phyllis Thomas in the parish office

We are in the process of acquiring one of the two chalices to be consecrated by the Bishop Diocesan during his Canonical Visitation to the parish on April 10. Cost of the first chalice is about $200 excluding the cost of engraving the name of the donor or the one in whose honor the chalice is donated. This is far cheaper than what others are paying for similar products. 
5. CANONICAL VISITATION by Bishop Diocesan, J. Jon Bruno: April 10, 2011

Basis for Canonical Visitation: Re-established by the Council of Trent [16th Century]  

Patriarchs, primates, metropolitans and bishops shall not fail to visit their respective dioceses either personally, or if they be lawfully impeded, by their vicar-general or visitor; if unable on account of its extent to make the visitation of the whole diocese annually, they shall visit at least the greater part thereof, so that the whole shall be completed within two years, either by themselves or their visitors. Of the purpose of visitation the Council says: But the principal object of all the visitations shall be to lead men to sound and orthodox doctrine by banishing heresies, to maintain good morals, and to correct such as are evil; by admonition and exhortation to animate the people to religion, peace, and innocence, and to put in vogue whatever else may be dictated by the prudence of the visitors for the benefit of the faithful, as time, place and opportunity shall permit.

Right of Visitation: The right of visitation belongs to all prelates who have ordinary jurisdiction over persons in the external forum.      Source:

Next scheduled Vestry Meeting is Sunday, January  16 following Mass. Please, share your concerns with your Vestry members or Wardens. Remember that Vestry meetings are open meetings unless otherwise designated as closed. Take active part in your parish.

Eucharistic Ministers: Kozetta Garnett [1] & Peter Marinkovich [2]
Thurifer: Peter Braganca
Lector:  Elliott Ryder
Prayers of the Faithful:  Bea Boggess
Usher:  Robby Igodan

See you at Mass.

Fr. Shamo

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Mayor Villaraigosa at Iman Center: Jan. 5

I am forwarding this email to you in the hope that you might be able to attend this meeting or spread the word about it . See the attached flier for more details.

I plan on attending and would like to encourage you to attend as well.

Fr. Shamo

Forwarded Message:

Come meet the Mayor and ask him questions about his efforts in our neighborhood!  Food and beverages will be provided.  Please come arrive at 6:30 pm so the meeting can promptly start at 7pm.  Please RSVP back with number of people who  plan on attending so we can make sure we have seats for everyone.

Natasha Ericta
Palms Neighborhood Council, Residential Representative