Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year wishes

Beloved of God and of this parish:

As the year 2010 draws to a close, I would like to take this opportunity to THANK each and everyone of you, for your faithfulness, generous giving, commitment and dedication [among others] to :  
  • [the cause of] the God whose incarnation [and epiphany] we celebrate at this time,
  • the mission and ministries of this parish. Your generosity and hardwork makes our common life and shared witness possible,
  • our collective striving towards the rebuilding of God's reign so all shall enjoy the grace of justice, dignity, transformation, healing, spiritual growth and wholeness,
  • our desire to keep the fire of faith burning and transforming the lives of our youth and children as they face the challenges of this and their generation.
As a faith community and as individuals, let us begin another year [2011] in hope and renewed zeal to grow in loving service to God. As you dream your biggest dream for yourself and your family, please remember to dream one more dream for God so together we can help birth and sing a new community into being. 

Have a blessed and fruitful New Year. See you all at Mass.

Fr. Vincent Shamo

Tuesday, December 21, 2010



1. Christmas Eve, Friday, December 24: Carol singing begins at7:30pm. Mass begins at 8pm.

2. Christmas Day, Saturday, December 25: Mass at 10am

3. First Sunday after Christmas , December 26: Mass at 10am; followed by potluck brunch. Bring some food to share.

4. Christmas week: Morning Prayer at 8:45; Mass at 9am

5. Friday, December 31: Morning Prayer at 8:45am; Mass at 9am
New Year's Eve: No Mass BUT Church will be open from 9pm to 12amfor private prayer and meditation

6. Saturday, New Year's Day: Mass of the Holy Name at 9am.


Thursday, December 16, 2010

Announcing New Programs at St. Mary

Here are some new programs currently running at St. Mary:

1. Bible Study on Wednesday from 7 - 8pm in the Chapel. Class is completing work on the Book of Nehemiah.  Now reading Chapter 12.  Class open to all who are interested in learning more about God's redeeming and unconditional love for humanity. Join us if you can.

2. Want to know more about your faith and how to live the christian life. Join us at our new Discipleship and Newcomers class after the 9am Mass on Saturday.

3. Presently considering offering the following additional programs based on interest:

  • Martial Arts for teens on weekdays after school ending before 5pm
  • Hispanic/Latino Mass on Saturday at 5pm
  • Community Meal and Conversation featuring a Speaker on issues of current interest. 
The Parish of St. Mary in Palms is beyond denominationalism.

Have questions? Call Fr. Shamo at 310-558-4124 or post a comment on this blog. 

Parish Update: 12/19

Beloved of God and of this parish:

Here is an UPDATE of what is making news in our parish this week and will be making news in the coming weeks.

This is the last Vestry meeting of the year. Vestrymembers are encouraged to attend MASS that day and stay for the meeting.
  • It is time to renew our COMMITMENT to God, our family and our non-parish community. It would be helpful if we have all pledge/commitment cards by the First Sunday of Christmas so  we can complete the budget process by year's end. If you have not already received your pledge/commitment card, please talk with Phyllis after Mass on Sunday or arrange to have your card sent to you in the course of next week. Please, remember to pick your box of pledge envelopes after Mass on Sunday. Our pledges and commitments make the ministries of this parish and mission to partner with God in the rebuilding of lives and his world possible. God generously gives us his Son to be our redeemer, let us give generously to support his reign and his work in our lifetime. We are grateful for your commitment to this cause to the glory of God. 
  • Decorating for Christmas: If you can help with decorating the church in readiness for Christmas, show up during the week between Tuesday and Thursday. Thanks for any help you can give.
  • During coffee-hour, we will celebrate the 82nd birthday of Gerda Morinaka. Please, surprise and congratulate her if you can.
  • MASS on Christmas Eve, Friday, December 24 will be at 8pm
  • MASS on Christmas Day, Saturday, December 25 will be at 10am
  • MASS on First Sunday after Christmas Day will be at 10am to be followed with our signature potluck brunch. Please, bring whatever you can by way of main dish, desserts, gifts for the children of the parish and a joyful spirit. 
  • NEW YEAR'S EVE: Friday, December 31. Church will be opened from 10pm to Midnight for private prayer and meditation. The sacrifice of the Mass will not be offered during this period.
  • NEW YEAR'S DAY: Saturday, January 1. MASS of the HOLY NAME will be offered at 9am
Please, plan on attending as many of the above events as you can and bring your friends to join in the celebrations. NO CELEBRATION IS COMPLETE AND JOYOUS WITHOUT OUR FRIENDS.

  • Sunday, January 2: Second Sunday after Christmas Day
  • Sunday, January 9: First Sunday after the Epiphany (Baptism of OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST). The youth of the parish will lead the Offertory and Presentation of the Gifts with the traditional gifts presented by the wisemen (wise-persons). It is time to support our children in their spiritual formation as we each present out life as gifts to God.
  • Sunday, January 16: First Vestry meeting of 2011 and time to hear our audit reports in preparation for the annual Parish General Meeting. 
  • Sunday, January 23: Our ANNUAL PARISH GENERAL MEETING. The first in the potluck-brunch series. We need someone to coordinate this event - setting up, designing meeting hall with appropriate signage, food and to encourage active parish-wide participation. It will look good on your resume as Events Organizer or Coordinator. If you can help, please, call Phyllis in the parish office ASAP.
  • Sunday, January 30: Our first PARISH FORUM for 2011. We will have conversations around the book:"Living a Eucharistic Spirituality" by Oscar Lukefahr, C.M. If you have not already bought your copy, buy your copy now for ONLY$2. See Phyllis or Fr. Shamo. 
In spite of global and economic challenges that faced us and many in 2010, all of us have remained faithful disciples of Jesus Christ, generously supported the ministries of this parish and the reign of God. Our individual and collective prayers, our presence at Mass and parish events, our faithfulness have transformed many lives; your parish leadership team and me personally are grateful for your witness. Let us strive even much more harder in this discipleship project in the coming year.

See you at Mass with your life-enhancing stories, your anxieties and a willing attitude to permit God to transform these to his honor and glory. TO GOD BE ALL THE GLORY, ALWAYS!!

Fr. Shamo